What To Do This Weekend In The Hudson Valley Jan 13 – Jan 15
After a week of work it’s time for some wintery weekend activity! From outdoor animal tracking to art and song, there are some fun events happening throughout the Hudson Valley!
🖼 Gardiner, Fri-Sun, Jan 13th, 14th, and 15th during library hours at the Gardiner Library, Books, Poems, and Dreams: Paintings by Stacie Flint.
These vibrant paintings highlight warm feelings experienced through reading, imagining, dreaming, and sensing. The imagery includes books, art that was created for poems and poems for art, as well as dreams, scents, and angels by award-winning New Paltz artist, Stacie Flint. Learn more at WEBSITE
🥾 Minnewaska State Park Preserve, Saturday, Jan 15th, 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM, Animal Tracks along the Stream’s Edge at Minnewaska.
Join Nick Martin, Park Educator, for a combined recreational and interpretive hike along Lower Awosting Carriage Road and Mossy Glen Footpath. This approximately 3-mile hike parallels the Peter’s Kill stream along the footpath section and has many lovely views of this stream. The carriage road section of the hike is easy walking, returning us to our starting point. Along the way, you’ll look for clues of wild animals using this habitat. Meet in the Lower Parking Area. Pre-registration is required. Register and learn more details by calling Minnewaska at 845-255-0752. WEBSITE
🎨 Rhinebeck, Saturday, Jan 15th, 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM, Rhinebeck’s Art Walk.
Come join us for an art walk in the village of Rhinebeck. Meander through the village and its art galleries to enjoy this monthly occurrence the third Saturday of each month.
🎤 Kingston, Saturday, Jan 15th, 6:30 PM – 9:30 PM, Open Mic at Kingston Artist Collective & Cafe.
Every 3rd Saturday of the month we host our beloved Open Mic Night! Everyone welcome! 6:30 pm Sign Up. 7 pm start time. Learn more on FACEBOOK.
👉 Have a wonderful weekend from Inside+Out Upstate NY!