What To Do This Weekend In The Hudson Valley July 31
The weekend is here and our upstate weekend plans are ripe for the taking!
Saugerties, Farmers’ Market Saturday, July 31st, 10:00 AM-2:00 PM on 115 Main St.
Get your local + seasonal veggies, fruits, herbs, eggs, cheeses, meat, bread and baked goods, sauces, syrup, honey, jams, and more.
Kingston, Farmers’ Market, Saturday, July 31st, 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM, at the County Courthouse parking lot with entrances on John and Wall St.
Checkout vendors selling local produce + baked goods + prepared foods + drinks + plants + gifts.
Tannersville, Mountain Top Arboretum, Native Tree Identification, Saturday, July 31st, 10:00 AM-12:00 PM.
Learn about native tree species + how to identify them. Learn more at mtarboretum.org/events
Woodstock, The Secret City Art Revival Town Processional, Saturday, July 31st, Leaves the Comeau Upper Parking Lot at 11:00 AM.
Participants will be carrying banners, waving flags and papers flowers, dressing up in crazy outfits, holding parasols and streamers and pinwheels. Come walk -all are welcome! Find more info at thesecretcity.org/blog