Cosmic Chronicles: November Astrology Insights
Dive into the celestial tapestry of November with your go-to astrology report. Each edition unravels the cosmic influences that shape our world—exploring everything from geopolitical trends to societal shifts while keeping you attuned to the rhythms of the universe. Whether you’re an astrology novice or a seasoned stargazer, join us every month to embrace the wisdom of the skies and navigate the earthly landscape ahead!
November’s astrology is action-packed with significant transits, including Mercury retrograde at the month’s end. Heightened tensions are expected due to the implications of the US election. This period will challenge individuals to assert themselves and support one another while reflecting on their intrinsic essence—stardust.
This transit invites us to break free from the chains of our past experiences and focus on crafting the life we truly desire. Our history doesn’t have to dictate our future; however, many of us hold onto nostalgic memories and past wounds that affect our current circumstances. Remember, each moment gives you the opportunity to think, feel, and act differently than before.
It’s time to let go of your past by consciously choosing how you want to show up in the present. This doesn’t mean you erase your history; it exists as part of your journey, making you wiser and more insightful. We must stop reliving old crises and release the monkey mind that keeps replaying old scenarios that we are done with. This new moon prompts us to explore how we may be perpetuating our own suffering.
Ask yourself: What do I need to accept about my past to move forward? Am I holding onto past pain to sabotage my future?
This new moon encourages you to harness the magic of who you are today by shedding any emotional abuse you may inflict upon yourself. No matter the current circumstances, the power to choose your path is always within your grasp, allowing you to create a brighter, more fulfilling future.
This placement offers a broader perspective, helping us grasp a higher truth that can spark mental optimism and enthusiasm. While mental focus may be challenging due to Sagittarius’s mutable nature, open-mindedness enhances our understanding. Sagittarius can bring lightness and joy to our communication; however, it can also inflate our sense of truth, sometimes leading to excessive zealotry and self-aggrandizement. Everyone feels they possess the “truth,” but it’s vital to acknowledge the subjective nature of personal beliefs. Remember, your truth, my truth, and the higher truth coexist.
This is an excellent moment to explore themes of spirituality and philosophy and deepen our faith in the universe. Embrace the mental leaps this placement inspires, but avoid the pitfall of needing to be right or to ‘know’ everything. Debate and acceptance of mystery are also incredible tools of learning. While we are encouraged to communicate directly at this time, choose kindness and seek interactions that converge our different truths into understanding rather than division.
Mars represents the way we channel our energy and take action. When in Leo, this energy becomes vibrant and highly expressive, infused with a dramatic flair. When harnessed positively, our expression and creativity convey the richness of the human experience, and we shine. However, Leo can also lead to heightened dramatics, sometimes manifesting in proud but arrogant behavior. It’s essential to distinguish between healthy pride—which can reflect confidence—and inappropriate egotism. We need to reflect on when our ego might overshadow our empathy and kindness towards others.
During this transit, many of us crave recognition for our gifts and talents, and there’s nothing wrong with showcasing our abilities! But where does genuine self-expression become unhealthy attention-seeking? Are we reliant on others for validation? Our upcoming Mars retrograde through this sign means this transit has a lot to teach us, so pay attention to desires and behaviors at this time. This is a fantastic time for passion and play—ideal for dating, engaging with children, and exploring creative pursuits. Embrace this moment to shine your light and enjoy the vibrant, generous, and gregarious energy Leo brings.
We’ve been envisioning a 5-dimensional world, but our bodies are still ripening on the vine in the 3-dimensional world. Today serves as a reminder of the emotional tensions that arise to motivate us toward establishing boundaries and initiating changes. It’s a day steeped in karmic significance, suggesting that you are precisely where you need to be. This is the last time the Moon will conjunct Pluto in Capricorn in our lifetimes. Pay close attention to the events of the day in your own life and observe the broader public discourse. Two days after the US election, emotions could be intense. Karma is learning something we previously did not know. We must resolve independently and collectively to resolve our karma together and be free.
Venus in Capricorn during Scorpio season is a truly powerful combination! Commitment and drive are the embodiments of these two energies. Venus is symbolic of our self-value, our desire for beauty, and what we need to love and be loved. In Capricorn, we need to connect to our goals and our ambitions. You can be ambitious for self-love; you can be ambitious for anything that you want to build in this world. Capitalism doesn’t own our ambitions! Capricorn is an earth-driven leadership energy. Venus in Capricorn helps us to define what beauty looks like to us on the material plane. The Sun currently in Scorpio helps by connecting us to deeper, more mystical ways so that our current goals are not just materially driven but come from what we are deeply passionate about.
What do you value? What do you need to feel valued? What are you truly passionate about? This is the time to delve into those goals.
Put the work in. We must let the intensity wash over and through us and move on from the past. We must harness the point of peace and safety within, moment to moment. I think it’s accurate to say that much of the energy we have been moving through has felt extremely bleak this year. That might be how we feel sometimes, but that’s inaccurate of reality. It is not a fact that life is bleak just because it feels like it. When I look out at the trees that have lost their leaves and have gone dormant, I could say, “Oh, this is so bleak,” but I could also close my eyes and tap into the root systems under the Earth of those trees and plants, and I can see life is still a magical wonder.
Regardless of outward appearances, life is a gift, and to honor and revere it, we live it to our fullest moment to moment. We are in this deep perspective paradigm shift together.
The degree of this full moon tells us the time for words is over; the time to act is now. Our integrity to a higher order, to divine law, personal to each of us, is the heartbeat of the universe. Do no harm, but take no crap! Saturn turning direct initiates us to wake from our stupor and get to work at unifying and uniting our humanity. This day packs a punch; your spiritual connections are your work at this time. Surround yourself with the nature of beauty and those with a reverence for all life and creation.
This is a major shift for the entire collective consciousness. We get 20 years to process the meaning of this transit. The last time Pluto was in Aquarius was 1777–1797, a period marked by revolution.
Pluto entering Aquarius ushers in a new chapter for humanity and should not be taken lightly. After all, there is nothing light about Pluto. Pluto is the heavy process of transformation (including destruction), but it also opens the way for our rebirth. Something must symbolically die to be reborn. The French and American revolutions during this transit called for new independence. We find ourselves back at this point and more aware than ever of who and what exactly has been held outside of independence and democracy.
Now is the time to collectively work toward achieving freedom through personal autonomy, having physical, emotional, and material needs met equally, and disbanding old archaic structures that create unfair power dynamics. Let’s hope that over the next 20 years, we will see the eradication of the bipartisan issue of enormous greed and wealth disparity that is happening on Earth and a redistribution of resources. On a personal level, we are gaining a new idea of independence within. Inner beliefs and outer circumstances that stop you from engaging your own freedoms must evolve.
Aquarius is an interesting sign because here, we have the stark paradox between individualism and cooperation with others. Pluto in Aquarius is here to help us define who we are underneath the conditioned beliefs and patterns that have been taught and embedded into us. The evolved world Aquarius longs for is not just one where everyone gets to be their own wild, wacky, and free selves. It is one where society is built upon understanding this individuation—a world that currently only exists in theory. Yet the conditioned restrictions that society places upon our freedom of self only act as the resistance necessary to claim ourselves. Next to the poison grows the antidote.
We are in a new chapter of humanity; we must wholeheartedly embrace ourselves as the changemakers on a personal level that can enact this new chapter into being.
Ruled by Jupiter, Sagittarius is a natural optimist and spiritualist. The upcoming season’s theme is expanding our horizons, seeing the big picture, searching for spiritual truth and higher meaning, and (hopefully) infusing life with some joy, too. Sagittarius needs adventure– to be immersed in other places and cultures to absorb new information. There is a natural affinity with freedom here, and we need to explore our options when our collective identity is in this fiery sign.
The Sun symbolizes how we are collectively identifying. Sagittarius helps us to open our minds to a more philosophical and spiritual outlook, but it can also show as emboldened self-righteous zealots. During this season, we are capable of taking huge mental leaps; let’s hope we are not jumping to conclusions.
Remember to stay grounded in facts, details, and reality. Be wary of needing to be right, always remembering that all opinions and biases, including our own, are subjective to our experience.
We can use this season to educate ourselves–to put ourselves in another’s shoes, either through reading and mental adventure or physically by placing ourselves in experiences we haven’t tried before. Travel is highlighted now. Embrace life and be willing to learn. Hope and faith are attributed to this buoyant sign. Optimism that the glass is half full and that we can overcome difficulty has been a needed salve for the past few months.
Retrogrades draw our attention to the inner details—Mercury, symbolic of our thoughts, perceptions, and communication skills—when retrograde asks us to look at our routine thoughts and spoken words and the motivations behind them. What would mental freedom look like for you? How could you experience more joy in your perspective? What is the biggest vision, the biggest dream you can conjure for your life path? This is a time to immerse ourselves in fresh approaches and new ideas. Let your imagination soar, think big, see the vast, infinite divine picture before you, and stop sweating all the small stuff.
November is a major month, and much is to be revealed. We are here on Earth at this time with gifts to offer, the very simplest of which is our love. Love is the fabric of the universe, and when in doubt, put some love in the equation. The solution to what ails us will always be love and its many manifestations.
Each astrological transit touches all of us in a unique area of our lives. We each have every zodiac sign somewhere in our personal astrology. This report examines the collective themes, or “mundane astrology,” that will mark this period. If you are interested in how these transits will affect you personally, book a private reading to discover unique insights.
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Rebecca is a Life Coach, Astrologer + Energy Healing Practitioner known for her compassionate but practical approach to mysticism.
For more information & remote bookings: www.RebeccaConran.com
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