The Inside+Out June Energy Report
JUNE ENERGY REPORT: Learning How to Nurture
Gemini Season is already flying by, but the lessons and tone of this season will actually be carried with us over the next seven years; this is an important moment to pay attention to. On May 26, Jupiter entered Gemini’s realm, marking a year-long period of expanded awareness and spiritual truths through Gemini themes. This is the time to initiate gathering new knowledge. We will all benefit from actively being a student. Come July 2025, when Uranus also enters Gemini, we will have absolutely no choice but to live by our curiosity and a period of intellectual and future-oriented growth is predicted for our collective.
We are making a big consciousness shift from the earth elements focused on material security into the intellectual ones, focused on shifting ideas (Pluto in Capricorn entering Aquarius, and Jupiter & Uranus from Taurus entering Gemini). Absolutely, every piece of information available to us is up for review and optimization. In this month’s Energy Report, I want to first get into the meat and potatoes of Gemini and then I will break down the most pertinent transits to watch for in the upcoming weeks.
So, what can we expect from the upcoming Gemini influx?
Expect the unexpected
Humans seem to be wholly adverse to change for the most part. So much so that we would rather recreate a toxic pattern of behavior or thought repeatedly rather than opt for the less traveled road. Gemini urges us to get comfortable in uncertainty and just enjoy the process of learning and taking in information. During this period, it will be revelation through the shock that leads us to new wisdom and insights, so rather than trying to figure it all out, let life show you what it’s all about through full-bodied experiencing. Cultivate the urge to experience surprise.
Cognitive dissonance will be at an all-time high.
You can hold multiple truths simultaneously and will have to contend with this practice and your own duality. Gemini is known as the twins in mythology; they are brothers from the same Mother and have different fathers. One brother was immortal, the other human. As such, Gemini asks us to hold the duality of both the very human truths we must consider and our spiritual knowing. We must learn to see the contradictions in our minds that lead us to separation and try to use our intellect to create connections. Right now, society is very good at labeling and identifying. Of course, it is helpful to create space for all walks of life and all expressions of being – this information is necessary to take in. At some point, however, we must also personally relinquish all identity data and see that we are all one human consciousness.
Feel the call toward active learning.
If you have wanted to take a course, work with a mentor or teacher, or felt called to learn new ideas, this is the time to invest and commit. All of us need to be students, old and wise or not; we each have something new to learn. This is good for us; it keeps our minds sharp and stops us from becoming stagnant and stuck in thinking we’ve arrived when we are meant to continue evolving, transforming and changing – no matter our age or intelligence level.
Learn to ask the right questions, not just seek the right answers.
Sometimes, what holds us back is not that we don’t have the answers to what troubles us but that we don’t ask the right questions in the first place. One example could be someone asking themselves, “Why can I find no one to love me romantically?” A better question to ask oneself would be, “In what ways do I believe myself unworthy of romantic love? How do I close myself off to romantic love? What ideas about romantic love do I have that may inadvertently be obstacles to my attainment?” Learn to flip the script on your own mental dialogue. When you ask the right questions, you make room for the answers to appear.
There will be doubts.
Questions lead to more questions and this time of enormous mental growth will stimulate doubts. We want to be certain as we equate it with safety, but certainty is not our friend right now. We need the freedom to find new knowledge; to do that, we must relinquish the need for a safe landing. Freedom is living courageously and embracing uncertainty. Notice the doubts as they arise, but don’t use them as opportunities to beat yourself up. “If I knew this, I would be better. If only I had known this back then, I wouldn’t have regrets” – don’t waste your mental energy. Be curious. Everything can and should be seen + heard differently now.
Communication is a two-way street.
We are learning how to actively listen and speak from our knowledge rather than react. During this period, we are learning to really hear what is being said and to be in a place of receptiveness when it comes to listening. We are also finding our words and speaking from a more genuine place from within. This period is marked by dissecting our own defenses and learning to see the person on the other side of their words. The most important part of communication that we need to work on is our own internal mindset, how we see the world, how we speak to ourselves inwardly and how our past influences the projections we place on everything.
That’s a lot of mental growth we are entertaining! To be like Gemini is to be eager to know more. Where does Gemini fall in your chart? This is the area where you most importantly feel these themes throughout this next period of human evolution.
Mercury rules Gemini. This cohesive partnering lasts only 15 days, so we should aim to make the most of it! All the themes we discussed are directly impacted by our minds, thoughts and perceptions. Mercury is known as the messenger of God and that is exactly how we should be utilizing it by speaking with the divine directly, cultivating our inner student and being surprised by new knowledge. The only caveat is that we must actively seek to ground ourselves so we can process information at this time. Overuse of stimulants can lead to accidents at this time; remember to center yourself.
There is good fortune to share today. There is more than enough for all of us; there are infinite potentials and opportunities when we create with the universe. We are right where we are supposed to be. Sometimes, the most random situations can lead us to the right information we need; let yourself be carried by the spontaneous. Everything fits together magically when we allow the universe’s potential to manifest itself. The key to these transits today is to be awake and to choose your way through. As familiar patterns show themselves, you get to decide how to proceed; an unknown path is also an option. It doesn’t all need to make sense while you are living into the answers. Why not try a new avenue today?
We are processing a great deal of emotion today. Feelings are not facts; they are fluid sensations. We should aim not to create hardened ideas and beliefs out of emotion’s movement. Give the emotions room to move and take in the information, but be willing to throw it away, too. You are the creator of your experience and as much as it feels like it sometimes, you are not held hostage by your past.
Mars in Taurus is a familiar feeling after the Taurus season. Mars, our energy, warrior fuel, boundaries and behaviors, move out of Aries, its most fiery and passionate placement, into a sign with a bit more staying power. Taurus has stamina and is willing to put in the hard work. We can now take those impulses and initiations and build a foundation for them. The shadow side of this placement is a predilection towards stubbornness and finding certainty. Remember the Gemini advice from earlier: now is a time to be open and allow for the freedom of uncertainty.
Mars in Taurus doesn’t give up a fight easily. Mars in conflict with Pluto can bring on power struggles and control issues. Today is a day to be wary of what kind of fights we pick and why. The darkest side of this placement is always the propensity for violence, as situations can escalate quickly. We can feel triggered by our deepest hurts and addictions today. Choose peace, slow down and get into nature.
Today, you may be busy planning, meeting, brainstorming, and socializing. This is a great energy for sharing and negotiating. Beware of selling out under this degree, however. When the identity/ego is conjunct with the mind at this degree, we are able to rationalize just about anything. Be clear in your intentions and consider each opportunity from all sides before making commitments.
Venus, our self-worth, squares our karma today (Neptune) and can bring out a lot of ancestral or family-of-origin healing to be worked through with new, clear thinking. Mercury relates to communication and perception. Cancer is deeply emotional and it’s easy to cave into a crisis or victim mindset here. Cancer is a leadership feminine energy with the resourcefulness to get through absolutely anything life throws at it. Releasing emotions is a great gift; let catharsis and understanding come to the mind now – as long as we don’t get stuck on what those emotions mean or pour over the past. Today is a new day. Honor the past with deep feelings, but remember you get to write your future yourself.
There is a hidden warning today: to remove the rose-tinted glasses and see things as they are, not just as you want them to be. Life is not perfect and will never be; that is more than good enough. Choose acceptance and compassion.
After our quick but significant jaunt through Gemini, we now enter the season of caring. Cancer Season is the perfect time to connect with all things “Mother.” That might be your literal Mother or your relationship to mothering. It might be that your own inner child needs to feel your connection as a Mother on a deeper level. However you practice nurturing, know that we must practice it in our lives toward ourselves and others, along with being on the receiving end of it, too. Yes, every single one of us!
Cancer season highlights attachments. When we were children, we were supposed to form healthy attachments to our caretakers, but many of us couldn’t do that. We may be aware of unhealthy attachments now through experiencing codependency, people-pleasing, or avoidance. The best way to do this is to take in the information and then, with gentleness and understanding, provide the best care possible for our inner child. Many of us require therapy, coaching, or counseling to show us healthy caretaking; perhaps this season is a time to connect with more support for yourself.
This is the first of two consecutive Full Moons in Capricorn, which means this transit initiates something that will take another month to come full circle. If Cancer is the Mother of the zodiac, Capricorn is the father. Cancer nurtures, soothes and creates. Capricorn disciplines, fixes and gives drive. The question to ask around this energy is: How may I serve my feeling self? How may I serve that within me that needs comfort and love? How may I serve my creativity?
Human beings learn a lot about suffering, grief and mortality here on earth. Most people intuitively understand the need to nourish themselves not just physically but spiritually too, to frankly get through this thing called life. In a world that profits from our being distracted and unconscious, it takes self-discipline to connect the body and soul. Saturn’s retrograde through Pisces reminds us that caring for our inner spirit is the most important job we can commit to. Come back to yourself.
Each energy season touches us in a unique area of our lives. We each have every zodiac sign somewhere in our personal astrology. This report examines the collective themes or “mundane astrology” that will mark this period. If you are interested in learning more about your own astrology, a Soul Astrology one-on-one session or a personal Astrology Forecast may be for you.
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Rebecca is a Life Coach, Astrologer + Energy Healing Practitioner known for her compassionate but practical approach to mysticism.
For more information & remote bookings: www.RebeccaConran.com
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