Cosmic Chronicles: December Astrology Insights
Dive into the celestial tapestry of December with your go-to report for astrology. Whether you’re an astrology novice or a seasoned stargazer, join us every month to embrace the wisdom of the skies!
Chiron features regularly this month, which means personal healing of old childhood wounds is at the forefront. Questions regarding “Who am I? What am I here for? and What has disempowered me from being my authentic self?” will take center stage. We begin and end the month with a New Moon; there is plenty of opportunity ahead, and personal new beginnings are right around the corner.
New moons begin a new emotional cycle. Today, we are asked to remember an ancient feminine wisdom deep within and allow our emotions to show us the way forward to our personal freedom. Each of us has a subjective truth, but there is a higher truth that has connected and supported humans in their growth since the beginning of time. Are we open and flexible enough to see it? Be present with your feelings, and they will reveal insights to you.
Questions to ask ourselves:
- Am I open-minded and flexible in my approach to others?
- Am I taking responsibility for my own experience?
- Can I display a more philosophical outlook?
What do your behaviors and actions say about you? What’s the motivation behind how you assert yourself? Do you exert a lot of energy trying to protect your ego? Are you under the false assumption that your feelings are someone else’s responsibility? Do your actions reinstate a low sense of self-esteem and worthiness, or do they reflect you being your most authentic self?
This retrograde transit—lasting until February 23, 2020—teaches us that focusing on the external journey is insignificant when it’s the internal journey that holds the meaning of life. If you activate your selfhood as it was divinely meant to be expressed, releasing the hold patriarchal systems have over your individual gifts, everything around you will form anew. Take ownership of your energy; only you have power over your thoughts, feelings, and choices.
This transit helps us to find value and worth in our unique individual selves. The key to a full life is to understand that many people and experiences will meet your needs in life. The expectation that you need only one person to wear all the hats of your social needs is an illusion and one that keeps us trapped in relationships that don’t work or unhappy in relationships that do work.
Humans are made to connect with one another on different levels. There are friends for fitness, food, and dancing. Friends for art and philosophy and friends for spirituality. If you lack connection, take yourself out of isolation and make the effort to connect with others on all levels. Let go of the expectation that all people should be all things. Where do your expectations fall around giving and receiving love? Aquarius is a no-judgment zone about the ways we all need to give and receive love; we need to meet people where they are, not where we want them to be. Venus in Aquarius is an opportunity to love others because of their differences from us and not in spite of them.
Can you be open to receiving love from all of your experiences and from all humans in your life? Can you give love freely to all humans, regardless of what they can do for you or how similar you are? We are in a new era of community, and we need to start thinking in terms of this community, releasing the me-first attitudes that have plagued our society.
This is an opportune time to honor the things about yourself that make you different. Your wild and wacky ways may make you seem scary to someone who doesn’t feel free to be themselves, yet those qualities are beautiful to see by those who have love for themselves. Neptune stationing direct today asks us to release the ancestral and societal judgments we inherited and look to the future with an expanded consciousness, seeing our fellow man as our brother and sister.
If Sagittarius is the big picture, Gemini is the details. Full moons bring emotions to a head; they are times of release, and the degree of this moon is quite high-strung. There is so much time and space between the present moment and where we want to end up that we can feel overwhelmed by the enormity of it all. We can feel hopeful at our big-picture dreams and then simultaneously doubtful that we can attain them, as the facts of the present seem to chain us to a much different reality.
We are yearning for freedom; honor this yearning. We may not be living in the world we truly want to see, but dreaming it up is half the battle. Every inventor had an impossible dream before them; eventually, through connecting reality with those big ideas, the magic came to fruition. Believe that nothing is impossible. The physical body will attune you to your intuitive knowledge; pay attention to it. Be gentle with yourself and try to find peace through simplicity today.
Mercury in Sagittarius is all about telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth. For the past few weeks, there has been a deep need for us to mentally move towards our ideals, to think about the big picture, to learn more about our personal life philosophy, and to be more direct and forthright in our dialogue.
The downsides were being judgmental, only seeing our own truth, and overindulging in self-righteousness. Spiritual absolutism is of the past; if you aren’t willing to evolve spiritually, you just aren’t evolving. That is one of the most painful aspects of living in the world today—the unwillingness of the masses to grow spiritually. To grow in compassion, be independent and resilient, and work on your own evolution anyway. Let higher consciousness be your friend.
The Sun’s entry into Capricorn is a grounding force for our collective identity. Be present to your physical body; get down to the basics. Use this winter time as a necessary inward period; let yourself surrender and choose hibernation if possible. There is much to be birthed next spring; now is a time of quiet growth. Honor the transformative cycles of birth, death, and rebirth.
Capricorn is the archetype of physical accomplishment, and it does so through sustained, disciplined effort and organization. Through solitude and self-authority, we can connect deeply to our human purpose. The shadow side of this energy is rigidity, controlling behaviours, trying to exert power over others, being ruthless, cold, or calculating. The patriarchal toxic masculine believes they have to get to the top and horde resources so they can feel valid as a human being. The matriarchal divine masculine knows they need to serve their community with their unique individual power to offer something of real value. Which master does your masculine energy serve?
Aries is all about the “self.” With Chiron in Aries, we feel wounds that happened to us in our early development as an aspect of ourselves, as our inner child. Areas within where we feel hurt, unlovable, or worthless will lead us to the inner child that remains in a state of perpetual suffering. We must acknowledge, nurture, and love these innocent parts of us.
This retrograde period is about transforming our self-image to one of empowerment. We start the healing process by creating awareness, altering our perspective, and shifting unhealthy behaviors. Our wounded inner child is exactly what makes us worthy of love and care. As you develop healthy parenting routines with your inner child, you will increase your understanding of the unique talents and gifts you are meant to share with our collective.
Small actions add up to big changes. When the moon is in Capricorn, our feelings regarding our responsibilities, duties, and ambitions rise to the top. I like to say that Capricorn is here to build the spiritual into physical form, but the ego of man has hijacked this with selfishness rather than service. More than ever, we need to claim our feminine earthly power, our creativity, our feelings, and our ability to receive. The success of the whole will be the success of each individual. The structures that protect and care for all humanity will be the accomplishments that satiate our souls. Today is the day to set our intentions towards these lofty and meaningful goals.
This month, we draw our attention to the “wound where the light gets in.” What do we mean by light? It could mean love, benevolence, or divinity. Each human endures much in its daily survival. You are an incredibly resilient being; honor that. Destiny is not direct; there are many paths we can take toward our purpose; don’t be defeated by the detours. Regardless of how you’ve perceived your experience up until now, you have something of value to offer the collective by being the most loving version of yourself.
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Rebecca is a Life Coach, Astrologer + Energy Healing Practitioner known for her compassionate but practical approach to mysticism.
For more information & remote bookings: www.RebeccaConran.com
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