A Small Family Farm with a Big Vision
We believe that humans and the animals that sustain us are each ecological stewards of great value. The ecosystem on our farm is an integrated one, with each enterprise serving a role in supporting the larger vision and each other symbiotically.
Our Values: Regenerative Agriculture. Animal Husbandry. Community.
We are in pursuit of doing something age-old in a new way. Our cows are grazing fresh pastures daily while our pigs live free and comfortable lives in the woodlands of our farm. We believe in respecting nature’s design as the foundation for responsible land stewardship. We aim to provide an environment where our animals can express their natural behaviors, honoring the unique role each plays within the ecosystem. Our vision for our farm is that it is by people, for people, and this may be a haven for our family and yours. When you support us, we strive to help you in return.
Better Soil, Better Food
We’re here in pursuit of excellence. We maintain a meticulous focus on land management and demand stewardship without compromise so we can produce the cleanest animal products, and create the most nutrient dense eating experience for us all. We invite you to join us on our journey.