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You can search our directory by Keyword or a combination of Location and Category.
Enter a specific word or words in the "What are you looking for?" field.
For example, enter "bakery" to return all bakery options in one or all towns.
If you want to limit your search to a particular town, select that town in "Locations".
Click "Search" to return your results. LOCATION/CATEGORY SEARCH Select "All Locations" OR a single location (town) from that dropdown, then select a Category.
Your results will be returned automatically.
You can "Refine Your Search" by checking one or more of the tags shown. RESET ALL Click "Reset All" to clear your selections.
For example, enter "bakery" to return all bakery options in one or all towns.
If you want to limit your search to a particular town, select that town in "Locations".
Click "Search" to return your results. LOCATION/CATEGORY SEARCH Select "All Locations" OR a single location (town) from that dropdown, then select a Category.
Your results will be returned automatically.
You can "Refine Your Search" by checking one or more of the tags shown. RESET ALL Click "Reset All" to clear your selections.
Centerville Fire Co
859 NY-212, Saugerties
Fire suppression, medical services + rescue