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The Inside+Out October Energy Report by Rebecca Conran

The Inside+Out October Energy Report

By Rebecca Conran | October 1, 2024

OCTOBER ENERGY REPORT: Actively Seeking Peace

We are in the mix of the most potent months of the year as it pertains to personal and collective transformation. The emotions are rising up, and healing must take place. Being conscious of our choices is the best path for us; creating a sober state through our behaviors is key. The South Node is currently in Libra; this symbolizes the lessons we are ready to release, and the addition of the Sun and Mercury both in Libra will tangibly address these themes and how they manifest via our sense of identity, thoughts, beliefs, and communications. We are releasing people-pleasing, superficiality, and fakeness. No more approval or attention seeking- we need to get our power from within. It’s time to show up and face our lives head-on, accepting conflict as a normal part of problem-solving and creating win/win solutions with those who differ from us.

The foundations of our lives are changing, and looking for external validation will leave us feeling afraid right now- we won’t find security outside of ourselves. We may see archaic structures of society crumble under the stress of needing to rebuild a better world for each other. We may feel afraid that our luck has run out at times and scared to expand in the ways we need to. The survival techniques we have learned to will our way through life may no longer work for us. Only a co-creation with the most powerful energy in the universe- love – will lead us where we need to go. This is no time to give up on ourselves and one another.

The Inside+Out October Energy Report


Are we seeking peace? Eclipses bring a very unstable energy into the mix, and although new moons signify new beginnings, this one has its roots in letting go of the past. Amplifying this New Moon is in conjunction with Mercury, which shows us that the harmonious new beginning we seek is rooted in a new mindset and set of beliefs. The questions to ask ourselves around this transit:

  • How do I hold myself back by sticking with what is familiar, comfortable, and acceptable?
  • What masks am I wearing that hide my truest self?
  • What social programming has me tied to unconscious biases?
  • What is stopping me from opening my heart fully?

The positive manifestations of Libra energy are justice, fairness, and diplomacy. The shadow elements are narcissism, superficiality, self-indulgence, and blaming others for what is our own responsibility. Expect situations that are rooted in imbalance to be swiftly “eclipsed” out of your life at this time.


Jupiter retrogrades every single year, so that’s not a surprise, but planetary stations and exact transitions are more difficult as we have to recalibrate within a new vibration. Jupiter connects us to our spirituality and what we believe in. The purpose of this retrograde is to drive us to believe in ourselves. In order to do that, we must find ourselves, our true selves, by shedding what we are not, shedding the expectations and beliefs of others, and claiming our spiritual identity, which is personal to each of us. The degree to this retrograde stations again harkens to the themes of the new moon. How am I selling out my authentic self to be a palatable and comfortable accepted human? The changes we seek externally are rooted in changes that must be made internally. If we are fake, if we forsake and neglect parts of ourselves, if we give our power away for approval, what kind of world do we expect to be living in? Believe in yourself, and believe in the necessity of sharing that authentic loving being with the world.


We are in the final dregs of a transit that will not come around again for over 200 years. Pluto in Capricorn, at the last degree, asks us to take stock of our morals and integrity. It asks us to grow up, to mature- to evolve ourselves and to be our own authority. In the past, we solved our issues in the world through violence, guns, and war. We have more information today and can more easily see the reasons for a lack of unity with our fellow man. Our fears towards one another are nothing more than a smoke screen for wealth hoarders to profit off our suffering, along with our own inability to take responsibility for our own lives. As humans have evolved in intellect and empathy, those pathways no longer feel right; our instinct is to find peace and harmony, not “kill or be killed.”

As we experience this transit, we return to those themes of building a solid security foundation within. Have your own back, tell yourself the truth, and live in accordance with self-love and compassion. Allow the world “out there” to fall apart so it can be rebuilt better.


We are close to Scorpio season, which is a continuation of traversing the depths of ourselves. The positive of Mercury in Scorpio is that you can “see” what needs healing at a deeper level. Intuitive gifts will be sharpened under this transit. Clearing out mental chatter that doesn’t serve you will happen. You can be more fearless in your thoughts and speech. You can have the courage to delve into fears you may have been harboring about your existence, mortality, or vulnerability. The shadow side of this energy will be the ability to be harsh and cutting in our communication, with verbal violence, abuse, obsessions, and addictions coming to the forefront. Some questions to think about:

  • When does a conversation become an unhelpful argument?
  • Where is the boundary between being honest and firm and being rude and unkind?
  • How do we create intimacy with others that is supportive?
  • What mental addictions are we suffering from?

All interesting themes are to be unwrapped.

Venus in Libra for The Inside+Out October Energy Report


Two weeks after the New Moon, we meet in the opposite sign of Aries for an explosive moment of feeling. Libra represents “others,” and Aries represents you. You have to be you no matter what. Your life is yours, and as the Charles Bukowski poem goes, don’t let yourself be beaten into submission by the world around you. During this Full Moon, you might feel like a compassionate warrior standing up for your beliefs or be combative and argumentative. The truth is that our feelings are always our own. If someone else holds power over us, it’s because we gave them that power. Rather than blame them or beat ourselves up, we must sit in our uncomfortable feelings and allow the energy to shift within us so that we fully integrate the wisdom available. You cannot guilt yourself for not having the level of awareness you have now; it is not fair or logical. Feel the enormity of your experiences, sink into your “NO” or boundaries moving forward, but be a warrior for loving yourself.

Venus’s entry into Sagittarius lightens the load because the appeal of spiritual love has much more potential for us than our remaining stuck in past memories and experiences. Venus in Scorpio stripped us back, informed us of our subconscious barriers to love, and now Sagittarius breezes in on a mission to find the highest love possible for us. Unconditional love. Compassionate love. Venus in Sagittarius is a time to be broad-minded, generous, and expressive. We bond with others at this time through mutual needs for freedom and through a shared curiosity toward different cultures, perspectives, and beliefs. This is a time to connect with others on a philosophical level and to see that we share the same human values with one another.

This transit is an opportunity to expand your horizons in love. What you think love and partnership should be like and what it actually is like are so different. One of the hardest things I found myself was that as loving as I had been in practice, opening up to someone loving me was extremely painful. My practitioner used to try to explain to me what a healthy relationship made up of two available partners would look like, and until I experienced it, I really had no idea what he was talking about! You have to allow yourself to meet on a level other than just sexual chemistry and go on an adventure that feels unfamiliar. With Venus in Sagittarius, allow yourself to explore friendship and find ways to enjoy freedom whether you are in partnership or not. Explore the unfamiliar, and when the going gets tough, rather than running away (a shadow Sagittarius trait), try altering your perspective first instead.


Scorpio represents those aspects of ourselves that want to transform, go deeper, be intimate, passionate and vulnerable. Scorpio season can bring out the worst in us sometimes; the scorpion has a stinger that comes out when it feels vulnerable, and we will feel extra sensitive right now. However, although it has a tendency to lash out rather than take responsibility at times, Scorpio has the depth and fortitude to withstand the deepest emotional depths- right into childhood trauma and deep wounding. It takes time to unravel the subtle ways that our experiences shaped us away from self-compassion, so be patient with yourself and others at this time, and we enter into these places for healing.

While Scorpio season can be intensely emotional, it also offers us an amazing intuitive capability. We “feel” our intuition more clearly as we express our emotions. It’s a time when we can deepen our relationships, clear the air, purge the past, and step into our desires. This is a time to deal with our innate fear of death and subsequent survival instincts. This is a time to express your sexuality and let go of prejudice against “taboos.” Scorpio also rules other people’s money, so it’s a time to deal with debts, taxes, inheritances, and get clear with our employers.

Finally, the part of the body that Scorpio rules is the bowels- so it’s time to let that crap go! Work with your body by starting a cleanse or lifestyle shift this month, not to restrict yourself because you think it will help you look better, but to assist the body in letting toxins go and functioning at its best, and certainly be conscious of not adding more toxicity into the mix during this potent time of spiritual healing.

October promises to be a very mystical time for us; let go of the past and be open to the possibilities in front of you. Take the time to care for your physical body with real presence and care. Don’t forget to ask for support where you need it, and find time to tap into the natural world for renewal.
Each energy season touches us in a unique area of our lives. We each have every zodiac sign somewhere in our personal astrology. This report examines the collective themes or “mundane astrology” that will mark this period. If you are interested in learning more about your own astrology, a Soul Astrology one-on-one session or a personal Astrology Forecast may be for you.

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Rebecca Conran Energy Healer and Astrologist for Inside+Out Upstate NY

Rebecca is a Life Coach, Astrologer + Energy Healing Practitioner known for her compassionate but practical approach to mysticism.

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