We Are Upstate NY With Tara Grieb of Cole Palen’s Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome
Since 1958, the Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome has provided exciting and historical fun for the whole family with events that get them out of the house, away from their (TV and computer) screens and transported back in time for some visceral, exhilarating entertainment. Each year, from May through October, you can witness early aviation in action at this open-air museum. Throughout the season you can catch live flight shows, a Women in Aviation Event, vintage ball games, swing bands, biplane rides and more. Be sure to check out their Bleriot XI, one of the oldest flying aircraft in the US, as well as dozens of antique motorbikes, cars and various mechanical curiosities.
For now, just sit back, relax, and meet Tara Grieb, the Aerodrome’s spirited Director of Operations. After a twenty-five-year career in education and school leadership, she followed her heart and returned to the place that had brought her so much joy and passion in her youth. Back in the day, as a “Trudy Truelove” incarnate in the shows, as a heroine “risking life and limb” and loving every minute. As she recently shared with INSIDE+OUT,
“It has been amazing to be back to a place that was pivotal in my youth! I’m excited to bring it forward to a new level of relevance and excitement while remaining committed to its core and its past.”
Want to know more? Read our Exclusive Interview below. See you on the runway!
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INSIDE+OUT: Tell us about the Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome’s beginnings and your company history.
Tara Grieb: The Aerodrome was started by Cole Palen in 1958. He had a vivid imagination and built quite a legacy that we have kept moving forward, now in its 66th year. After he died in 1993, it became a nonprofit organization. As such, that has changed how we operate, but our core values and vision remain the same. Cole literally cut and smoothed the runway by hand and slowly, people came to see what he was up to and lend a hand. He created one of the most amazing living/moving/flying collections of planes in the world, which is something to be seen! No other museum/organization does what we do as often as we do… offering 38 airshows each season, weather permitting.
I began riding my bike here on weekends and watching air shows when I was ten. At thirteen, I worked at the snack stand and dreamed of someday being “Trudy Truelove” in the show. At fifteen, Cole made that dream come true and I did so until I was 25. After a 25-year career in education and school leadership, I saw the opportunity posted to become Director of Operations and I made the leap. It has been amazing to be back in a place that was pivotal in my youth! I am excited to bring it forward to a new level of relevance and excitement while remaining committed to its core and past.
Like me, our new president, Clay Hammond, is a legacy Aerodrome person. He shares my love of the past and vision for the future, which will help us be successful in the years to come.
The Aerodrome event season and Museum will open in May. Tell us about the exciting programming slated for 2024.
We officially open on May 1st, 2024. We will have regular weekend airshows from June 15 to October 20. Throughout the season, there will be special events in addition to our shows; for example, the East Coast Dough Boys will be onsite the weekend of July 19-21. We will have our Hangar dance on May 18th and it will kick off with a vintage baseball game on our runway on Friday evening. We host recognition weekends for scouts, first responders, veterans and the military. We will also have our Women in Aviation Weekend in July with guest speakers and more. We are hosting our first-ever kids camp this summer with two sessions. This is geared toward kids in grades 4-6 and is a basic understanding of how things fly and the history of aviation. We plan to grow the camp offerings from year to year.
What can visitors expect from a day at the Aerodrome? Describe “Flight Nights.”
Mondays – Fridays, we are a static museum only; however, biplane rides can be taken by appointment and are booked 1 week before the visit. We have 30-minute lighthouse tours and our 15-minute barnstorming rides as options. Flight Nights occur on Wednesday evenings from 5-8 pm. There is no admission, but donations are appreciated. We have a food truck and a band and 15-minute biplane rides are available. Our pilots may do a fun demo as well. These are weather permitting.
Saturdays + Sundays are airshow days! We have a new food vendor coming in with some amazing fresh menu items for our guests, so plan to eat lunch here! Guests can tour the Museum and eat before the show. Rides are available before and after the show. Our Saturday show is History of Flight and covers the pioneers through the Lindbergh era of aviation. Sunday is our WW1 show with our beloved characters, the Evil Black Baron, Sir Percy Goodfellow and Trudy Truelove. Both shows run from 2:30 pm to 4 pm and have a variety of entertaining acts and displays. Plan your visit HERE.
What goes on during your off-season?
The off-season is planning a refurbishment. We have planes that are getting work done in preparation for the upcoming season and full restorations and rebuilds that go on as well. In the offices and on the administrative side, we plan our special events, attend travel shows, select items for our gift shop and do other preparatory work for the 180 days we are open to the public.
What impact does your business have on your community?
The Aerodrome definitely brings people to the area who might not otherwise come. I always joke it is locally anonymous and globally famous. Aviation enthusiasts know it well, and we are looking to draw those who might not love aviation (yet) but want a new, exciting, entertaining and educational experience. We offer jobs for locals looking for seasonal work and have a crucial corps of volunteers, some travel a great distance to be part of what we do each week. We also provide a scholarship to three local school districts in memory of one of our beloved employees.
How does the Aerodrome involve the community and local businesses in seasonal programming?
There are a variety of ways. We like to give free passes to “people facing” local employees such as retail owners, waitstaff and more. We feel that if they experience the Aerodrome and its splendor, they are more likely to recommend it to visitors looking for things to do. We would like to be active in our local chambers of commerce (as we are in Red Hook and Rhinebeck), the county chamber and Dutchess County Tourism. We often support other organizations’ fundraisers in any way we can. Finally, our Wednesdays are open to all but geared to our locals, who we hope will come weekly to enjoy a night out, good food and good music.
What local businesses do you rely on to be successful?
Several local businesses are always key supporters and sponsors of our organization, including Williams Lumber, the Beekman Arms, Ruges Automotive, Rhinebeck Bank, and CJ’s Pizza. In addition, there are many more than I can list who support us through sponsorships or spread the word about what we do and bring us guests and visitors. Dutchess County Tourism and the local chambers have been above and beyond in that regard.
What is one question you’re constantly asked, or what’s the biggest misconception about the organization?
People often think we fly year-round. We can’t—it’s COLD in an open cockpit! However, we do have plans to be open as a museum year-round in the future. People also envision a Disney or Great Escape scenario. Still, our staffing and situation are much smaller scale than that and our weekday staffing is small. The biggest misconception is that we are the Air Dome and that somehow, like a stadium with a roof, we are a contained space. Nope!
What has been your favorite event to date?
That is hard to say. I love Women in Aviation Weekend because I love recognizing those who still tend to go a bit unnoticed in the field. Our Hangar Dance was designed out of desperation last fall following a horrible season (due to weather) where we lost ½ of our seasonal income. It was such a huge success and so much fun that we will now do it annually. I also love the low-key vibe of the Wednesday Flight Nights. *That’s three favorites… I can’t pick just one!
What do you love most about working here?
For me, there are several layers. First, it is an amazing and unique place. It has inspired many to pursue aviation as a career. It gives a rare opportunity to see, hear and smell early aviation rather than just see planes behind a rope in pristine condition. Next, on a personal level, this place was pivotal in my life for so many years. I wanted to be Trudy Truelove but didn’t expect to fall in love with aviation and all the magic that is the Aerodrome. The people I “came up with” are family to me. While some have passed on and are sorely missed, a corp of us are back, involved and committed to the Aerodrome’s growth and success as we work alongside others who may be “new” in comparison but who are equally committed to this place.
Who or what inspires you personally?
Cole and Rita have always inspired me with their ingenuity, tenacity and creativity. Outside of here, my kids inspire me in this way- I was in a “30-year career” that I left after year 25 to do something in a place I loved. I don’t ever want them to be afraid to chase a passion or stay somewhere they think they are supposed to stay because society says so. Taking on this role has been a way to show them that you are never too old to make a change for the better or do something that inspires you.
Tell us something about yourself that people might be surprised to know.
Being “Trudy Truelove,” I did many amazing things, from blowing things up to avoiding being blown up! I have had the opportunity to meet many amazing people here, including Neil Armstrong. I have had the opportunity to fly in and experience some amazing things. In the early days, when we could be a bit more daring and dangerous, I was just that, and it truly shaped my “feisty and independent” nature that I have today.
What are you working on now that you’re excited about?
I am working to open our space up for special events such as weddings and celebrations in a deeper way. I am also working with Jimmy Diresta and his friends to potentially have an aviation-related maker camp here in 2025.
What is your current state of mind?
Joy and appreciation with excitement for the future!
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Photos Courtesy of Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome
Check out the Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome via Website | Facebook | Instagram | INSIDE+OUT Spotlight
Old Rhinebeck Aerodrome: 9 Norton Rd., Red Hook, NY
Air Shows are every Saturday and Sunday June 15-Oct 20.
Pre-Show Activity at 2:00 PM, show at 2:30 PM
Plan your visit HERE
Open Cockpit Biplane Rides are available weekends before and after the Air Shows 10:30 AM – 2:15 PM and 4:00 PM to dusk.