10 Things to Know About Hudson Valley Food Stylist Liza Jernow
Liza Jernow began her creative journey in clothing design and fashion, but it was her passion for food and cooking that helped her find the life she dreamed. After working as a Food Editor and Product Developer at Martha Stewart Living, she was catapulted into her freelance styling career. Now, when not busy as a food stylist or happily remodeling her old farmhouse in the Hudson Valley. She and her team @hudsonvalleyprivatechefs are arranging private chef dinners for Upstaters across the Hudson Valley. More than just a visual feast, it’s an invitation to play, explore, and create your own culinary beauty. Lucky for your beloved (or family and friends), there’s plenty of time to start snacking on some of the team’s delicious fixings at home or in a vacation rental.

Photo by David Cicconi @davidcicconistudio
Want to know more about Liza Jernow? Read our delicious Exclusive Interview HERE “We Are Upstate NY with Food Stylist Liza Jernow
- Photo by Tina Rupp @tinarupp
- Photo by Tara Donne @taradonne.studio
What is your most treasured possession?
My house. I have put so much work into it with my own hands. Since I bought it in 2004, there’s not an inch of the house that I have not personally sanded, painted, or insulated.
What or who is the greatest love of your life?
Creativity and dogs are my favorite things.
When and where were you the happiest?
I always think of my happiest moment was on my first day of college at Rhode Island School of Design, in a dress I made with some army boots, smiling broadly at the camera for my freshman ID. Such a sense of adventure mixed with having arrived with my people.
What is your greatest fear?
Large spiders.
What is your greatest extravagance?
A constant flow of high-quality food, from bittersweet Madagascar chocolate to a great extra virgin olive oil and always, always, always… french butter.
What do you most value in your friends?
A sense of creative adventure, curiosity and intelligence.
Which talent would you most like to have?
Help people find their own creativity through cooking.
Who are your heroes in real life?
Vivian Westwood and Elizabeth David
Which living person do you most admire?
Martha Stewart
What is your idea of perfect happiness?
Good friends, excellent food and a roaring fire. Experiencing other chefs’ wild creativity wherever I find it.

Photo by Tara Donne @taradonne.studio
Connect with Food Stylist Liza Jernow website | Facebook | Instagram
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