A Conversation with Nick DePalma of Hudson Valley Green Roofs
Alive, vibrant, creative, unexpected green roofs not only add character to any house or structure but also offer an environmentally sustainable and lasting roofing solution. They help pollinators, improve energy efficiency, absorb carbon from the atmosphere and more.
Want to know more? Meet Hudson Valley Green Roofs founder and operator Nicholas DePalma, who provides healthy, sustainable green roofing solutions to his customers. Long passionate about all things au natural, he has also been an avid organic farmer who has donated 1000s of lbs of homegrown vegetables to local food pantries and genuinely cares about our natural world and the health of our communities. Let’s get to know Nick…
INSIDE+OUT: How did you fall into the work you do in terms of installing Green roofs?
Nicholas DePalma: After a decade in the building and landscaping industry, I frequently came upon living/vegetated roofs at the homes of my customers. They had all been installed by companies from Boston, Philadelphia, or New York City. Green roofs are a perfect marriage of the two fields I have spent the most time in, so I felt compelled to become a local provider for them.
What does one need to know to have a green roof installed? Do you need a new roof? Is there a special kind of support and material?
Underneath all of our planted roof components is a waterproof membrane. Whether it is PVC, TPO, or EPDM, the waterproof membrane will need to be installed before we can install a green roof. As for structural considerations, much of our work is done on new construction, where the frame of the roof has been engineered to support the load of a green roof. In some cases, an existing home was already designed for a green roof, or the roof was fortunately built strong enough for one. Not all existing homes are compatible without major structural enhancement. In either case, be it a new build or an existing home, we coordinate closely with structural engineers and architects to attain 100% certainty the roof can handle the load we are adding. Because of this essential collaborative aspect, it’s best to add a green roof to the plans for a new build or remodel as early as possible. We encourage customers interested in a green roof to be in touch with us so we can answer any questions.
If you can use a pre-existing roof, is it too heavy for certain types of roofs?
In some instances, an existing roof is strong enough to support a shallow soil green roof. Although green roofs are heavier than standard roofs, the industry has come a long way since its inception, and they are significantly lighter than they once were. Shingle roofs, on average, weigh 3.5 lbs per square foot, and a lightweight green roof with a blanket of succulents/sedums weighs no more than 25 lb per square foot. Definitely a big increase, but often surprisingly lightweight to the minds of structural engineers we work with.
Does it decrease the roof’s longevity?
One of my favorite things to tell new customers is that a green roof will actually increase the life of their waterproof membrane. On average, flat roof waterproof membranes last 20 years. Protecting that membrane with a green roof from the extreme temperatures of summer and winter and the drying of the sun can extend its life to up to 60 years.
How do green roofs help the natural world?
Living rooftops considerably support the natural world. By absorbing up to 80% of rain, they are essential in mitigating stormwater issues that lead to flooding and habitat destruction. They add to energy efficiency and reduction in fuel consumption by keeping homes cooler in summer and warmer in winter. In addition, green roofs support pollinator species by providing nectar from flowers, and they absorb carbon from the atmosphere.
Nick, when did you start this new business? Do you have a large team, and are there job opportunities in The Valley?
Our first green roof installation was six years ago, but we officially launched the business in 2020. We coordinate with other industry professionals and maintain a very small team to keep our costs to our customers down. As the local demand grows, we look forward to expanding our operations and providing local jobs in green infrastructure.
Are there any tax incentives or rebates offered for these kinds of roofs?
To my knowledge, NYC is the only place where incentives are offered for living roofs. However, efforts are underway to establish rebates and tax incentives with our local state officials. The goal is to create statewide programs for green infrastructure, specifically green roofs, making them more affordable for homeowners, as is the case with solar, heat pumps, and geothermal.
How do they compare cost-wise to other roofs?
In general, green roofs can be significantly more expensive than standard roofing. However, the benefits do outweigh the cost. Depending on the details of a specific project, the price is reasonable, especially considering the extended life of the membrane underneath and the efficiency it will add to a home’s heating and cooling.
Have you always been motivated to work in a way that supports the Earth, or is that a new passion of yours?
I have always been Earth-centric in my passions and employment. Over the past 14 years, I have worked in geothermal, solar thermal, green building, sustainable landscaping and permaculture, and sustainable farming, and I have been fortunate to incorporate ecologically conscientious practices into my work and life.
What was the catalyst, and has that sense of responsibility persisted for a long time or is it a new love affair?
My studies in sociology and my work as a young activist likely sent me on this course. Once I understood the gravity of the problems our world is dealing with, I developed a need to apply change through tangible actions.
Can you describe your relationship with the natural world, specifically in the Hudson Valley?
Through my relationships within a bustling community of organic farmers, gardeners, naturalists, and outdoor enthusiasts, I feel deeply connected to living in and stewarding the beautiful landscape we live in. I grow a small organic farm in my free time, from which all produce is donated to local food pantries. Building healthy soil and planting trees feels essential in that process. Honestly, I have a hard time spending much of my time indoors living in a place like this. The wildlife and landscape constantly amaze me, and in a place I have called home for about 16 years and where my wife and I are currently raising our daughter, I look forward to spending the majority of my life here.
Want to know even more about Hudson Valley Green Roofs or schedule an appointment with Nick DePalma?
Follow/Connect Nick DePalma of Hudson Valley Green Roofs via Website | Instagram
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