What To Do This Weekend In The Hudson Valley July 10
Did you miss the fireworks last weekend? Don’t worry, you can still enjoy the lights, along with food + games + music!
Highland Independence Day Celebration – Highland – July 10, 6:00 PM
Old-fashioned fun, DJ Reg, local food vendors, games, bounce castle. 6-10 p.m. Located at the Highland town field behind the Methodist Church, 39 Main Street, Highland.
Red, White & Blue Fireworks Extravaganza – Modena – July 10, 5:30 PM
Music, food, glow sticks. The Mustangs play from 5:30 till dark when the fireworks display begins! Bring a blanket or chair and get comfy to watch the works. 5:30 p.m. Thomas Felten Memorial Park, 11 Patura Road, Modena. (Rain date July 11)
Second Saturday Hudson Gallery Crawl – Hudson – July 10, until 9:00 PM
A bit more low-key, this monthly, citywide event can be found throughout the town – from Basilica Hudson to Henry Hudson Riverfront Park up to 7th Street Park and the newly renovated Park Theatre. Find more details at hudsongallerycrawl.com