The Inside+Out February Energy Report
“The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion” – Alber Camus.
The revolution will not happen to you; it will happen through you. If we want to revolutionize our world, we must be that revolution. When Pluto entered Aquarius in early 2023, it began, for a few months, an enormous change for the human race. It re-entered Aquarius again on January 21st, 2024, and this month, our personal planets come to meet Pluto in Aquarius. The tone of this month is a major point of paradigm change for us individually. Pay attention to your life themes right now as they offer us a window into what more is to come for us. Revolution means change, sometimes sudden, sometimes complete, always based on coming back to a point we’ve been before and deciding to do things differently to move forward.
This month, we will feel called over and over again to gain freedom. Perhaps we have completed a course in personal learning and we find ourselves back at the beginning and ready to move forward in a totally new way. We could free ourselves from a job, decide to leave a relationship, or make strides in behaviors we have. Perhaps we feel called to speak and act on behalf of others, standing up for the oppressed in a more tangible way. Save for the few money-hoarding one percenters, I can’t imagine a human being that doesn’t currently long for socioeconomic and political change, and a powerful pull to change the authorities who control humanity is on the agenda. Make no mistake – it will happen. In terms of astrology, power shifts are on the agenda for the next 20 years. Let’s not forget both the American and French revolutions took place during the last transit of Pluto in Aquarius.
Pretty much anything could swiftly move in and out of our lives and be transformed under this energy. The best advice would be to allow a shift to happen; don’t just let life happen to you, but plan for change. Prepare yourself to be transformed. Stay open-minded and relax the tension of what we cannot control.
“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.” – Goethe.
MON 2/5: Mercury enters Aquarius
Open your mind to new experiences. When Mercury is in Aquarius, communication can seem on hyperdrive and the devil’s advocate emerges in us all. A meditation practice is wise at this time, not just to calm the self but also to allow for a natural flow of divine wisdom under this transit. Mercury likes being in Aquarius; the air element suits the planet of communication best, so we may find that speaking comes easier than our recent stint in Capricorn. Our nervous system could get a little overloaded with this intuitive energy. Grounding with physical movement and connection with the earth is important to combat restlessness and mental overactivity. All in all, this adds a nice new flow to the energy – where we have been hammered by rules and structure, we are now more open to weird ideas and free thinking. This is a wonderful time to work on new ideas and inventions, especially if we are working on something communication/technology-based, and especially in collaboration with others.
FRI 2/9: New Moon in Aquarius
A theme of this New Moon might be loneliness and how we deal with being alone. You can definitely feel alone in a relationship or surrounded by people; it’s not just for those who are single. In the evolutionary process, sometimes we must be prepared to go our own way if those around us are adverse to growth and change. Additionally, regardless of our current support systems, we must be ready to enjoy self-support, self-care and our own company. New Moons highlight our inner personas, our feminine energy of creating, being and receiving – where would you like to set intentions that promote your own freedom of self and unique individuality?
Questions you might ask yourself during this new moon…
- What can I move forward with to live as my genuine self?
- What can I free myself from at this time?
- What boundaries will I commit to for the foreseeable future?
- Where do I need to take the initiative in my creative endeavors?
- In what avenues of my life do I need to speak up?
- How will I contribute to my own healing for the next month?
- How can I join others in enriching ways for the next month?
TUES 2/13: Mars enters Aquarius
Innovating how we act. Mars is our assertion and energy in motion. In Aquarius, the energy is more radical and more independent. Around this transit, Mars also conjuncts Pluto, which can have explosive and even violent results if we don’t have self-awareness. Some will feel the need to control more stubbornly and some will feel the need to free themselves more intensely. We are inclined to rebelliousness here; anything that feels like an albatross will garner our anger and frustration. The higher expression of Aquarius is using our willpower to look out for others and towards altruism. The lower expressions would be contrariness for argument’s sake, self-destruction, herd mentality (think online bullies), and stubbornness.
“To be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others” – Nelson Mandela.
FRI 2/16: Venus enters Aquarius
Finding value and worth in our unique individual selves. The key to a full emotional life is to understand that many people and experiences will meet your needs in your life, not just one. The expectation that you need one person to wear all the hats of your social needs is an illusion and one that keeps us trapped in relationships that don’t work or unhappy in relationships that actually do work. There is beauty in connecting with giving and receiving on different levels and with different individuals. You may connect with someone sexually but not culturally or musically but not philosophically. You may have friends who you enjoy doing material life things with, like fitness and food. You may have those who you get deeply spiritual with. This is a time to open yourself up to receiving what you need from the avenues where it is readily available. Aquarius also teaches us to meet others where they are, not where we want them to be. Venus’s conjunction with Pluto over the next few days will bring explosive or shocking results to relationships that need transformation.
Venus in Aquarius is an opportunity to love others because of their differences from us and not despite them. Can you be open to receiving love from all of your experiences and from all humans in your life? Can you give love freely to all humans, regardless of what they can do for you? This is also an opportune time to honor the things about yourself that make you different. Your wild and wacky ways may make you seem scary to someone who doesn’t feel free to be themselves, yet those qualities are beautiful to see by those who have love for themselves. This is a good time to experiment with romance, be social but independent, and express love freely to everyone you meet.
SUN 2/18: Sun enters Pisces
Pisces Season is the season of love, beauty, and feeling. A time when we are much closer to ourselves and one another through our sensory modes, a time when our creativity is heightened and information coming into our energy bodies is at an all-time high. Pisces is the last energy of the zodiac and has an understanding of all of the other signs. If this is not worked with positively, then it can manifest as taking on the issues of all the other energies or manifesting their shadow. When used helpfully, it is an energy that can see the beauty in almost anything and turn it into a channel for unconditional love.
Pisces season marks the end of our energy year. Take the time to honor the last year of your life. What did you learn? How will you use your newfound wisdom to act in the world from a place of love? Today is the day to slow down and feel how our emotions and emotional state motivate our actions and reactions. Pisces season is an invitation to understand, to feel, to see ourselves in oneness, and above all, to offer up our compassion rather than our judgment.
FRI 2/23: Mercury enters Pisces
Imagine a world where we are connected through our love for one another. Our logic, comprehension skills and communication gain a dream-like quality. With this placement, there is a softness, a sweetness; we want to express those qualities in our words. There is also a vagueness here, and having complex conversations or conflicts can be difficult. Pisces energy can feel foggy; there is a sense of oneness, but sometimes that can lead to improper boundaries. Be aware of what is taking up your mind space during this transit. Have you ever found yourself having an argument with someone in your head? I find that when this happens, the other person is in my energy space, and I am letting them in by giving permission. Are there any loose boundaries that need to be cleaned up? Have you given permission energetically that needs to be recalled? The veil is thin with Pisces; we are so connected to others, but only we can choose if these are healthy connections or not.
We are more apt to be romantic and idealize situations with Mercury in Pisces – seeing through rose-colored glasses. Sometimes, that is helpful; for example, when we look out into the world, it’s good to see the positives and not just the pain and suffering. This can have issues in our personal relationships, though, where we see our experiences as we want to see them rather than how they actually are. It takes effort with this placement to be practical and pragmatic, but it’s necessary to have that ‘reality’ balance. Avoid escapism (drugs, alcohol, sex), as it can lead to further confusion, pessimism, and a lack of trust in oneself, so work to be grounded and present. While more complex during this period, it is also more critical than ever.
Pay attention to your dreams, not as premonitions but as rich symbolic landscapes for your subconscious experience. Your dreams can tell you a lot about where you truly are. Expect to receive a lot of intuitive information and understanding through this transit; your compassion has the ability to deepen now; let yourself be moved.
SAT 2/24: Full Moon in Virgo
The last major aspect of the month is a dutiful and service-oriented Full Moon in Virgo. This Full Moon brings in big feelings on a personal level for us towards our personal health, healing and hygiene goals. How do we serve? Who do we serve? If we are serving others to our detriment, or if we haven’t found a way to give back to the collective, we will feel the emotional pull. The laws of the universe require we all engage in giving and taking in equal measure. Where there is disparity here, we will feel deeply on this day. It is not our responsibility to take care of others to our own detriment. It helps no one when you exhaust your own reserves for someone else. Are you enabling others to not care for themselves by unconsciously being their savior? Conversely, do you take and pull on others energetically without giving back? What is the exchange that is necessary to bring your life into balance? With Venus and Mars still in Aquarius along with the recent Pisces shifts – freedom from belief systems that keep you energetically enslaved is on the agenda for healing.
Each energy season touches us in a unique area of our lives. We each have every zodiac sign somewhere in our personal astrology. This report looks at the collective themes that will mark this period. If you are interested in learning more about your own astrology, a Soul Astrology one-on-one session or a personal Astrology Forecast may be for you.
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Rebecca is an Astrologer + Energy Healing Practitioner known for her compassionate but practical approach to mysticism.
For more information & remote bookings: www.RebeccaConran.com
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