The Inside+Out April Energy Report
“Getting over a painful experience is much like crossing monkey bars. You have to let go at some point in order to move forward” – C.S. Lewis
Happy Spring! We can draw much inspiration from nature around us as fragile new growth breaks through hard soil to face the sun. This has not been an easy few months. You’ve really earned your rebirth. Aries Season in full swing brings us more action and impulse, but we are reminded to keep our feet sturdily on the ground and to remain patient and persevere in our endeavors. Now is the time to begin anew by integrating the wisdom of the past. Choose wisely, and choose in accordance with your deepest passion for life.
MON 4/1: Mercury Stations Retrograde
You were born into this world worthy and although the reflection of the world’s suffering would have you forget that innate value, somewhere inside, you still sense this perfection. The part of us that is made of stardust has existed for eons before our bodies were whole. It holds the remembering that you are complete, you are the universe and it is your destiny to embody light and to participate in what you feel called to experience without needing to explain it or qualify it.
This review of the mind’s messages is about your right to exist, period. Without qualification, without terms, you have a right to be here and take up the space necessary for you to be a being of compassion in this world. You have the right to be yourself in relationships, at work, throughout your whole life. And guess what? So does every other human being on earth. This is a time to slow down, have patience and understand anger and frustration as the armor that grief wears. Embody any grief around stifling your authentic self and move into the next phase of unabashedly being you.
WED 4/3: Venus Conjunct Neptune
Neptune and Venus go well together for that mega boost of dreamy soft energy that helps spark our creative endeavors. You might find yourself writing more poetry, singing, dancing, painting, or whatever you do to express yourself around this transit. This conjunction, however, will also continue with the theme of clearing up “illusion + delusion” around our worth and value. Wounds that go deep into our history and ancestry that need our full awareness in order to heal. Do your romantic expectations and relationships match your value and worth? Are you getting paid enough for your work? Are there addictions and obsessions that rob you of feeling worthy? Relationships that come to a head during this time serve to unearth aspects of healing and may be more of a teaching experience than a long-term commitment.
FRI 4/5: Venus Enters Aries
Love becomes more passionate, more ardent; we are in for the thrill of the chase, we want to conquer and we feel more sexual, more fertile. We better slow down, or we will get a lot more Capricorns in 2025! This energy can boost our confidence, helping us to be more direct and assertive. This energy helps you to be more independent, to put having fun first in your life and to get physically active. This transit is an opportunity to become centered in yourself. It’s not about being selfish; it’s about putting your oxygen mask on first. Relationships that are interdependent will thrive at this time. Put your own rituals first that help you to feel secure and safe in your own company, then meet others at this place.
Shadow elements to watch for are addiction to the ‘chase,’ winning at all costs and instant gratification that becomes all-consuming. Connections that burn fast and hot can burn out quite easily now, especially with Mercury retrograding through Aries. It takes discipline to pull yourself back from overindulgence, but it will be necessary this month.
This is a fantastic energy for bringing forth our creative and aesthetic changes. Now is the time to commit to beautifying changes that you’ve already been thinking about or working on. Get that haircut, make that purchase—as long as it’s something you’ve had in the works for a while. Beware of impulse buying and changes that come on out of the blue; you might change your mind in a couple of weeks.
“I am not what happened to me; I am what I choose to become.”
– Carl Gustav Jung
MON 4/8: New Moon Aries
The New Moon in Aries signals an emotional “let’s do this” phase. We are ready to take a stand, explore new avenues and share more actively with the world. Set your intentions, but remember that in order to achieve the results you desire, you need to align your everyday thoughts with your divine worth. This takes daily practice; healing the mind and harnessing our creative potential through our thoughts is a long road. Be patient with wherever you are currently with that process.
This year, our collective destiny (North Node) is in Aries and it is pushing us to understand in our bones that we all have the right to exist – to exist with dignity and compassion. We are learning to embody the right to assert ourselves, our needs, our independence and gives us the permission to say “NO.” Ultimately, to heal the very wounded and fragile energy we see expressed in our world. This is about healing both sides of the coin, both overexpression of violence, aggression and avoidance of needs through things like people pleasing and conflict aversion. Do you accept who you are? Do you accept who others are? Are you staying true to yourself? This New Moon is about finding your personal voice. Your life has meaning and living your life is your purpose. Own that life and commit to it with both feet in.
WED 4/10: Mars Conjunct Saturn
Mars is our behavior and Saturn helps us mature and become self-empowered through self-discipline and limitations. In Pisces, we need to look at our actions and motivations squarely in the face and determine what is helpful and what is harmful. Red flags are not just pretty adornments; now is the time to take note. This transit has a sobering effect, but it also gives us stamina and determination to reach our goals.
FRI 4/19: Sun Enters Taurus
Taurus is the consummate Earth Mother. She shows us how to make the most of our resources and that resourcefulness is needed when we are learning to work with what we’ve got in more conscious ways. This is the sign of being at one with nature, of slowing down, patience, beauty, abundance and sensory pleasure.
Taurus may be known as the bull, but let’s face it: a bull is a male cow. Does it have a side that can see red easily? Sure, but it is just as easily able to enjoy a slow graze in a field on a sunny day. Taurus is ruled by Venus and yet again, we are drawn into our hearts to open up to love. We can more easily access our physical senses during the Taurus season. Go and listen to the wind, smell the fresh air and feel the pleasure of water falling on your body in the shower. Listen to the loving cadence of a friend’s voice. Savor the delicious taste of a well-cooked meal. There is much pleasure to be derived from life if we allow it to reach us. Slow down and smell the roses. As we appreciate all life has to offer us, we become beacons for abundance.
“If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with success unexpected in common hours.”
– Henry David Thoreau
SUN 4/21: Jupiter Conjunct Uranus
Good things come as a surprise. I have this placement in my natal chart and I can tell you it is one that guarantees unexpected windfalls, out-of-the-blue new relationships and all matters of enjoyable experiences – when wielded responsibly! Jupiter expands and Uranus revolutionizes; if you are living in love and compassion towards yourself and the collective, expect some nice surprises. If you’ve been struggling to expand consciously, this could be a time when shocking changes take over on the way to a magnificent breakthrough for you. This is one of the biggest transits of the whole year. When Uranus is in the mix, we will not foresee what is coming, but we will be very surprised by it and the urge for freedom will be high. Venus conjunct Chiron on this day also points to deep healing taking place and today, you may see your karmic coins cashed in.
4/23: Full Moon Scorpio
The goal of this full moon in Scorpio is to overhaul emotional stagnation by embracing change. This can be a time when whatever is hiding within the recesses of your soul can come out into view. That may be reflected outwardly by people, behaviors or situations. Or, it may be emotions or beliefs that rear up and require your deep reflection and compassion. Do you have secrets you keep about yourself? Things you feel ashamed of? Now is the time to bring awareness and love to those hurt places.
Scorpio can highlight places where we are obsessed or addicted and our anxieties around this energy will reflect exactly where changes need to take place. Sex, controlling behaviors and risky behaviors can all manifest during a Scorpio Full Moon as we try to avoid change. Surrender. Surrender. Surrender. This is a great day to have a ritual around release. You can hold a small object in your hands; it could be a leaf, imbue upon it what you are ready to surrender, then set fire to it – giving it back to spirit.
THUR 4/25: Mercury Stations Direct
Let’s face it – ultimately, we know nothing, we understand even less and we are basically feeling around in the dark. This can be terrifying news if we allow our minds and egos to take over with fear. Or, it can empower us to use our senses and live in the present. Stop punishing yourself for what you don’t know now or didn’t know then. Bring yourself into This… Very… Moment. Take a deep breath and relax; you are exactly who you need to be.
Around Mercury transits, we should be cautious when driving, operating machinery or doing anything that requires our attention. Accidents are prone to happen around this date, so be mindful of slowing down and taking your time.
TUES 4/30: Mars Enters Aries
Now through June 9th is the most action-oriented time of the year; whatever you need or rocket fuel to accomplish, now is the time to harness it. Mars is at home in Aries; this fiery placement means that tempers can explode and boundaries can be fiercely protected. It also means getting tasks accomplished because we have the energy for it! Assertiveness, anger, aggression, action, competition, impatience and the urge to follow your own willpower will be increased. Remember to temper extremes and be willing to apply limits to yourself if you are already restless and impulsive. As I noted earlier, anger can be the armor of grief. Consider if you feel triggered if it’s really about the situation you are experiencing or a tender place that needs care within you. This is an excellent time for physical energy and vitality; if it gets too much, channel it into a fitness practice.
Each energy season touches us in a unique area of our lives. We each have every zodiac sign somewhere in our personal astrology. This report looks at the collective themes that will mark this period. If you are interested in learning more about your own astrology, a Soul Astrology one-on-one session or a personal Astrology Forecast may be for you.
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Rebecca is a Life Coach, Astrologer + Energy Healing Practitioner known for her compassionate but practical approach to mysticism.
For more information & remote bookings: www.RebeccaConran.com
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