The Inside+Out January Energy Report
JANUARY ENERGY REPORT: Building the Spiritual Into Reality
This Energy Report looks at the upcoming collective astrological themes. We each have the energy of all twelve zodiac signs in our birth chart. When, why and how these themes manifest will differ from person to person, but you can think of this report as a horoscope for everyone.
The next six weeks are some of the most intense and active astrologically. The pressure deepens as we edge slowly towards one of the most incredible transits of the next twenty years – Pluto’s transit into Aquarius. January 21st will mark a new era of transformation for humanity. Until then, we are in for a rough ride – we will feel the longing for change, the upheaval of transformation, and the breakdown preceding the breakthrough. Where poison grows, so does the antidote, and the energy of Capricorn and Aquarius unite over the next six weeks to offer us an incredible moment of accelerated growth.
THURS 12/21: Sun enters Capricorn
Capricorn energy features heavily through January, and today, we enter the season of the goat. Capricorn acts as a grounding force as we individually climb mountains to achieve our goals. Get in your body, get down to the basics. Use this winter time as a necessary personal period to prioritize and focus. Let yourself surrender to alone time to connect more fully with your own perspectives and ideas. There is much to be birthed next spring; now is a time of steady endurance and goal setting.
SAT 12/23: Mercury (rx) re-enters Sagittarius
This is the second time this fall/winter that Mercury enters Sagittarius, but this time, it’s retrograding, reviewing the messages and communications that have been on the table for a while. Mercury in Sagittarius is all about telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth. The downsides to this energy are it brings out our judgmental sides, doggedly only seeing our own truth, and can overindulge in self-righteousness. Think about the big picture, learn more about philosophy, and put yourself in the shoes of others. Utilize the ability to be more direct in our dialogue, but choose compassion over “rightness.”
TUES 12/26: Full Moon in Cancer + Chiron direct in Aries
The moon is at home in the feminine energy of Cancer. Full Moons are points of emotional release. Chiron is the “wound where the light gets in.” There are wounds we carry from our earliest impressions about identity that cause us suffering but also prompt us to grow spiritually. Today, we feel them at a maximum. Cancer energy, in its element, is being the mother we always needed and an example of exquisite mothering in the world. This moon is very sensitive; it touches on our deepest hurts. Notice and validate feelings and honestly disclose them to your trusted support system. Ask for help if you need it today.
This moon will feel very emotional to us all. Some things to remember for this Full Moon:
> Being a martyr or savior is another way to bypass your actual responsibilities. Taking care of others who don’t help themselves is a form of enabling and is actually perpetuating another’s suffering along with your own. Don’t usurp the responsibilities of others through your control unless you are invited to help and the person is willing to do the work for themselves with your support.
> It will never feel safe enough or comfortable enough to be vulnerable, but we must do it anyway. Confidence in being vulnerable comes from the results of taking those risks. Have courage.
> We must acknowledge insecurities and share the truth about ourselves with others. This will give you more peace as you will not be spending so much energy on suppressing your feelings or on the resentments that come from not feeling seen or heard.
> It is a tremendous gift to be able to nurture others, but is there a mutual exchange? When the energy doesn’t go both ways, you’re subjecting yourself to energy leakage, or “vampirism.”
> Take care of yourself first. Always. Putting your oxygen mask on first is not selfish. How can you help anyone else if you don’t have the vital life force energy you need to do so?
> It is okay to say no if you don’t feel right about something. Intuition is not rational and doesn’t need to be fully understood by your intelligence to trust and follow through on it.
> Your true home will always be the peace you access inside of yourself.
FRI 12/29: Venus enters Sagittarius
Explore your capacity for love. Venus in Sagittarius focuses on the appeal of spiritual love, helping us release our stuckness to past memories and experiences by inviting in the new. Venus in Scorpio stripped back our subconscious barriers to love. Allowing Sagittarius to breeze in on a mission to find the highest love possible: unconditional love, compassionate love, and spiritual love. We bond with others at this time through mutual need for freedom. Connecting with others on a philosophical level and spending time with those who share similar beliefs and values. Expand your horizons in giving and receiving love in all types of relationships.
SAT 12/30: Jupiter Direct in Taurus
Jupiter prompts our spiritual expansion. In Taurus, we are meant to prioritize de-stressing, conscious rest and relaxation, and recognizing when enough is enough by listening to our physical bodies. The wisdom of the universe can be found in connection with our senses and physical carriers. Luck comes to us now through cultivating healthy relationships with our bodies and nature. Our spiritual lives become focused on getting out of our neurotic heads and into our sensory bodies, and we benefit from this by experiencing quieter and more peace within. Now is not the time for spiritual tourism; shortcuts won’t do. Harness the magic of our universe through your daily practice of peace.
TUES 1/2: Mercury ends its retrograde.
Mercury is the planet closest to the Sun, and when it’s “retrograde,” it appears to go backward. The symbolic nature of this draws us inwards – into a review period. We spend about 30% of our time in a Mercury Retrograde, so it’s just another facet of our lives that we can accept and work in harmony with if we choose to. These retrograde periods offer us the opportunity to look over where we’ve been to garner where we are going. It pushes us to slow down and check in properly with ourselves, “Hey, what am I actually doing here, and why?” During the transit, the old frazzle dazzle is at its most intense. Save the serious conversations for a less triggered moment. Be careful driving and operating machinery; you might not be distracted, but someone else could be.
FRI 1/5: Mars enters Capricorn
Mars, our action, aggression, and assertion of a collective energy field are exalted here. Mars in Capricorn is here to get the work done; it ups the ante when it comes to self-discipline and goals. We have the energy to climb mountains and may feel extra motivated to enjoy the boost. Today would be a great day to act on those New Year’s resolutions. This energy gives us an added boost of persistence, especially needed through a tough couple of weeks ahead energetically.
THURS 1/11: New Moon in Capricorn
This New Moon has an air of destiny about it. There are spiritual instructions that can only be accessed through the mystery of living out our human destiny. Our egos and personalities are being challenged, and we are all pondering whether we are meeting our potential. It is important to be private, disciplined and guarded in some respects during the deeper workings of our transformations. That doesn’t mean isolation. Instead, consecrate or make holy your current experience and share it reservedly with those who match your vibration. You’ll know you are on the path of enlightenment when you realize you know nothing. Yet that is not a punishment or something to be ashamed of; when you realize you know nothing, you are finally open to everything. This New Moon empowers a sense of responsibility and self-discipline, a necessary austerity to weed out stuck emotions.
MON 1/15: Mercury re-enters Capricorn
Capricorn sobers up our minds, thoughts and communications. It gets to the point. Mercury (mind/perceptions/communication) in the detached sign of Capricorn brings us back down to earth and has us mentally sorting out what to build from our dream realms into reality. There is self-control available here, a reservedness that can be helpful with the intensity of change we are experiencing. We can use this earth energy to get mentally focused and organized, to gain control of our main creative tool – our minds.
SUN 1/21: Sun & Pluto enter Aquarius
Happy Birthday, Aquarius! If you identify with the eccentric, good! Let that freak flag fly. Aquarius wants to feel valued for its intrinsic individuality, as it does for others. This is the identity that eschews societal “norms” and enriches our lives with genuine weirdness. It shakes us out of our old archaic, stuck ways of being. If you don’t feel free or need to create more freedom, this is a supportive time to be completely true to yourself. It’s also a time when we will see more humanitarian efforts and feel strongly pushed to act on behalf of our fellow human. Aquarius also rules technology and science, and Pluto rules systems of power. Expect rapid transformation within how we view and work with tech and AI over the next 20 years and the rise of more digital money sources.
Pluto in Aquarius is a major shift for us. The last time this transit happened was 1777-1797, a period marked by revolution. This transit ushers in a new chapter for humanity and should not be taken lightly. After all, there is nothing light about Pluto. Pluto is a heavy transformation process (including destruction) but also opens the way for our rebirth. Something must symbolically die to be reborn. During this transit, the French and American revolutions called for new independence; we find ourselves back at this point and more aware than ever of who and what exactly has been held outside of independence and democracy.
Now is the time to collectively work toward achieving freedom through individuation within the group. There’s room for everyone. Equality is also on the table, along with the ideology that having physical, emotional and material needs is a dignity everyone deserves. This time will be used to disband old archaic structures that create unfair power dynamics. Let’s hope we will see an eradication of enormous greed and wealth disparity and a redistribution of resources. On a personal level, we are gaining a new idea of independence within. Inner beliefs and outer circumstances that stop you from exercising your freedoms must evolve.
Aquarius is an interesting sign because we learn to tolerate the paradox between individualism and cooperation with others here. Each person is a unique and intrinsic piece of the whole. The evolved world Aquarius longs for is one where society is built upon understanding individuation rather than herd mentality. The conditioned restrictions that society places upon self-freedom only act as the resistance necessary to claim ourselves. We are in a new chapter of humanity, and we must wholeheartedly embrace ourselves as the change makers on a personal level that can enact this new chapter into being.
WED 1/24: Venus enters Capricorn
Venus symbolizes our self-value, our desire for beauty, and what we need to love and be loved. In Capricorn, we need to connect to our goals and our ambitions. You can be ambitious for self-love, you can be ambitious for equality and compassion for others – you can be ambitious towards anything that you want to build in this world. Capricorn is a material world leadership energy. Necessary qualities for us (when balanced) because as ethereal as we may feel, we are also beings of the earth who must tend to the life we have here. Venus in Capricorn helps us to define what beauty looks like to us on the material plane.
Romantically, this energy values taking your time to commit. Commitments made now show relationships that are ready, willing and able to go the distance. However, we have societal “rules” around how we are “supposed” to relate to love. Still, many of these belief systems isolate people from their sense of individual freedom. They can feel like toxic traps to fulfilling your purpose of being yourself. Fresh on the heels of the Aquarius transits, our sense of self-value and our commitments to ourselves are probably changing. Going your own way is perfectly acceptable.
SAT 1/27: Uranus in Taurus direct
Aquarius’s natural ruler is Uranus, so again, the energy of liberation is present. Uranus spends about seven years in each sign. The lessons of Taurus teach us to revolutionize the way we take care of the earth, humanity (ourselves) and our resources, or at least alert us to the necessary actions to do so.
Some fun facts about Uranus. Uranus is known to science as the “sideways planet” because it rotates on its side – another testament to Uranus/Aquarius doing things in its own unique way. It was also the first planet found using a telescope, which matches the consciousness of ingenuity and technology it embraces. Uranus rules electricity, science, invention, rebellion, revolution and eccentricity (all Aquarian themes). It helps us to see our responsibilities to one another (humanitarianism) while making sure we maintain our own weird and wonderful selves. This is also an energy that looks to the future. The future is an extension of today, so we must change today to change the future. When Sir Isaac Newton was figuring out the laws of gravity, he couldn’t account for the orbit of Uranus. Because of this intense study, Neptune was actually discovered. In astrological terms, that means the study of this revolutionary consciousness (Uranus) actually pointed us in the direction of our karmic and collective debris but, ultimately, the path to oneness (Neptune).
All of humankind is divine. In our highest expression, we are awakening through a process of self-realization and seeking to give of ourselves to the collective by unfurling our ego at the deepest level. This leads to truly knowing ourselves (or symbolically finding our salvation) and an authentic experience of authenticity. In the shadow, we are walking through life as narcissists, falsely believing that nothing and no one will ever restore us from our traumas and suffering. Uranus is called the “great awakener.” This is the consciousness of breaking free of those experiences and beliefs that we are too fearful to remove ourselves directly, so subconsciously, our creative powers instill the perfect experiences to create that freedom within us.
Taurus is symbolically referred to as the bull, but let’s be honest: a bull is a male cow. Instead of only picturing Taurus as angry, stubborn and ready to fight, we can also picture a creature moving slowly, enjoying a grassy meal, basking in nature, and being peaceful. Uranus is currently working on the theme of shaking us out of our frenetic distraction so we can relax, slow down and enjoy our sensory experience. Sometimes, how that theme comes about could be shocking, but where we don’t want to slow down and need to, life finds a way of doing it for us.
With so much Aquarius and Capricorn energy afoot, now is the time for the genius to rise to birth new creative potential into the world! Mavericks and conscious leaders arise!
Each energy season touches us in a unique area of our lives. We all have the energy of Scorpio somewhere in our personal astrology. This report looks at the collective themes that will mark this period. If you are interested in learning more about your own astrology, a Soul Astrology one-on-one session or a personal Astrology Forecast may be for you.
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Rebecca is an Astrologer + Energy Healing Practitioner known for her compassionate but practical approach to mysticism.
For more information & remote bookings: www.RebeccaConran.com
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