The Inside+Out Libra Energy Report
Welcome to your monthly collective astrological guide by Rebecca Conran. This month, we feature your Libra Energy Report. You can book one-on-one sessions with Rebecca for more personalized services.
LIBRA SEASON: Finding harmony through balance
Each energy season touches us in a unique area of our lives. We all have the energy of Libra somewhere in our personal astrology. This Energy Report looks at the collective themes that will mark this period. If you are interested in learning more about your personal astrology, a Soul Astrology one-on-one session or a personal Astrology Forecast may be for you. If you are familiar with your astrology already, look at your birth chart to tell you which planets and houses will be ignited by the upcoming Season.
This season asks us to find balance, and in order to do that, we may feel the pressure building from whatever is imbalanced. Libra is ruled by Venus, and it connects us to romance, social connections, justice, fairness, and diplomacy, as well as artistry and expressions of beauty. However, it also can cast a shadow of superficiality, narcissism, indecisiveness, self-indulgence, toxic idealism and blaming. Whatever we do over these four weeks, you can bet that creating harmony is the solution.
During Virgo season, we use our intellect to analyze. We ask a multitude of questions. We theorize, hypothesize and do a personal accounting. Libra season invites us to leave the work of analyzing within the mind behind and observe and witness ourselves through how we behave in our relationships with others.
Libra Season is about our reflection through the mirror of the “other.” What we hold in contempt about others, we will find inside ourselves, too, and anyone we deem unworthy or unlovable will reflect a lack of compassion towards ourselves, too. Our fears, anger and hurt at the actions and inaction of others will also point us back towards where we have failed to be our own biggest supporter or protector. Libra season shows us our true beliefs and feelings through what appears as opposite to us; we will see our contradictory nature play out. The core theme of Libra is that it seeks harmony. It achieves this through balance. We see this symbolized in the image of the weighing scales. When one of the vessels of the scale is empty or when one vessel holds too much, the scale tips.
Just like our main Libra Season theme, the rub during full moons deals with opposite energies. The Sun being in Libra and the Moon being in Aries, we turn our attention to “Me vs. We.” Thinking about the core quality of Libra – achieving balance – we are not here to shut out “me” or “we” but rather to find the median point between them both. We are here to find harmony. Human beings need each other, and we need relationships to thrive. However, our relationships should not be at the cost of abandoning our relationship to ourselves and our needs.
On April 19th of this year, we experienced a solar eclipse in Aries. What has come full circle in your relationship with others since then? What were your intentions around facing your fears, and how have you facilitated that learning in your life? Now is a good time to circle back to how far you’ve come.
The Full Moon is a point of emotional fullness and inner knowing. This is a passionate moon, full of longing and yearning for full immersion with the cosmos. On the outside, the desires appear as a search for our true mate, or some reconciliation of unity that we just can’t seem to put our finger on. Inside, the call to action is to hold the polarity of the human self with the divine self. Merging our joy, happiness and sense of infinite expansion with our innate human experience of suffering and finite body. Leaning too far in any one direction is experienced as addiction and dependence and creates an unsettled tension within. We did not come here to be wholly divine, but we aren’t just primal beings either. We are finding a way to exist as both, in juxtaposition, without being overwhelmed by either.
We humans are meant to connect with others in profoundly deep and transformative ways. The infinite being within also needs time, space and independence to connect with the universe autonomously. We need to know that we are our own saviors, and the longing and need we feel for ‘other’ must first be quelled with connection with ‘self’ before it can be healthy. To know another, one must know oneself. To love another, one must love oneself.
Mercury rules communication, how we talk, think and perceive and any tools and technologies we use in communicating. Mercury in Libra asks us to bring harmony and balance to our thoughts and diplomacy to our communications with others. Remembering to make space for the paradox. Humans can behave in deplorable ways, but deep down, that behavior comes from a place of pain and suffering, not evil. We can despise the behavior, but can we still love the human being? That is one example of holding a paradox of opposites harmoniously. We all experience suffering and pain, which should mean that we easily have compassion for the hurt in others, but we find we would rather throw people away than create a space of understanding and love. Since our fellow man is our mirror, what does the way we deal with the paradox of “others” say about our relationship to self?
The shadow side of Libra is indecision. We can get hung up sitting on the fence, unable to make decisions because we are afraid we will choose poorly. This can stifle our passion and intuition. You don’t need to choose the most perfect way. You can always choose again if you find your choice was not right for you. You are allowed do-overs. It’s less important to always choose correctly as it is to be willing to correct course when necessary.
Around this transit could feel a little tough, as Mars in Libra (almost at the end of the journey through Libra) will be squaring Pluto in Capricorn (in transition to turn direct from retrograde). As the shift happens, it creates tension and anger and frustration may bubble up to the surface in areas that lack real or perceived fairness. Allow breakthrough through breakdown to happen by being gentle with yourself and focusing on self-care. Curb any desire to project anger and frustrations onto any one person. Tell spirit you are pissed as hell, punch a pillow, chop some wood!
Venus symbolizes how we give and receive love, and in Virgo, we love in practical and service-oriented ways. As a Venus in Virgo myself, I enjoy folding someone’s laundry or washing the dishes after a party. Those are practical expressions of care that can be just as romantic on certain days as big showy displays or poetic expressions can be on others. Virgo takes a mature and service-oriented approach to love. In terms of romance, we are looking for someone who can show up fully, is reliable, and will do the work to resolve their own dysfunctions.
Venus in Virgo brings our attention to meaningful work and self-improvement. After such deep and meaningful lessons around romance and relationships, this summer through Venus in Leo now is a good time to walk our talk. Choose new relationships with those who meet the standards you’ve been honing for yourself. In standing relationships, realize that they take work, and the work must happen individually and then come together as a change within the relationship. Any stagnation or dysfunction in relationships points back to both participants making a shift.
Therapy, counseling, coaching, astrology or any meaningful intellectual practices that create healing through communication and new channels of perception are extremely valuable at this time.
Pluto represents liberation. It shines a light into our deepest, darkest shadows and purges everything toward the light. Pluto is retrograde every year for half the year, but the point of transit we feel the most. Earlier this year, Pluto changed signs for the first time in many, many years into Aquarius, the sign of freedom. Then it retrograded – back into Capricorn – themes around duty, status and career had a few more lessons to teach us. We are not here to simply serve our parents, our society, or our boss; we are here to serve the deep calling from within ourselves, and when we do that authentically, we end up being in service to the whole. Believe in yourself without the approval of others and the validation of status. Live for the pure joy of being yourself and doing what you love. Liberation is on its way, and the polarity of feeling constrained gives us the impetus to participate in our evolution and become free.
Venus in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces on this day can have a restrictive feeling; it may feel like so much work is necessary to get where we want to go that we feel disheartened. Lighten up on yourself. Yes, work is necessary, but in the infinite universe, it will go by in the blink of an eye. As we align the practical body with our spiritual connection, we will find it much easier to find peace even through our troubles. Meditation or physical exercise are tools that can really benefit us today.
Mars, our warrior fuel, is at its most potent here. Mars is the classical ruler of Scorpio, so this energy feels right at home. What Scorpio desires most is intimacy, and in an extreme case of polarity, it will have to give up its secrets, face undesirable truths and be vulnerable to achieve what it truly wants. Mars is how we externally move through the world, our physical energy. Mars in Scorpio wants to move through life in deep conversation with it as intensely as possible. Use this time to be passionate in your relationships and your beliefs. Focus on knowing others on a deeper level, emotionally. Use the steady focus on Mars to complete complex tasks you didn’t feel you had the energy for before now. Be aware that Mars in Scorpio can manifest as inflexible and stuck; be wary of confusing certainty with stubbornness.
Eclipses bring similar energy to Uranus or Aquarius. There is a “swift change” energy to them; things are illuminated, so there can be no denial. Experiences and people can come into or exit our lives as if by lightning. The mantra is to “expect the unexpected,” especially when it comes to our relationships.
Love your neighbor as you love yourself. This common phrase is often used, and yet not very often acted out. Why is it so hard for people to love others? What is reflected as a lack of love for one’s fellow man in the world is really the projected image of a lack of self-love. Love your fellow man by loving yourself deeply and unconditionally.
Our world has a billionaire class of wealth addicts and money hoarders (which should be classified as a mental and social illness), divesting all the resources of the world into their own unending greed. In truth, there is enough on Earth for all its citizens. We should be wary of holding the wrong people accountable, enacting petty jealousies with our neighbors or competing against others in our communities. It will leave you drained and without spiritual resources. Be happy for others when they succeed, and see the successes you have had, too. Today, we intend to fight for the equality of all humans, that all persons live in freedom and dignity with the resources they need to be healthy and happy.
The degree of this conjunction is very potent, which is why I’m including it in this month’s report. The Sun or how we identify, working together with our perception and communication. This degree of Libra speaks to “deeply seeking the other side of ourselves, our inner partner.” Unfortunately, we may believe that we keep coming up empty-handed as we continue to meet our wounded selves over and over again through the patterns of our lives. Meet that self with love! Meet that self with understanding! Meet that self with radical compassion! Let go of shaming oneself into believing there is a better person somewhere in the future – love the person here today. Look at the suffering and wounding that exists as if it’s a very small, inexperienced child, and love it with all your heart.
In continuation of Mars shift as well as the many other themes we’ve touched on for this month – Do you promise to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? This is a time to practice radical honesty, but try to do so with compassion and kindness as your deeper reasons. If you need to voice your emotions, this placement can give you the courage to do so. Now is a great time to go deeper into your own psychology, too, looking into the depths of your own ocean.
As we prepare for winter, it’s time to slow down and honor the natural need to go within and look for deeper meaning in life other than what is shown externally. Summer shows us life’s bounty, but fall and winter require us to look for that bounty internally without external validation. Set yourself up for success by committing to a deep dive where necessary. See others as your own reflection, and thank them for showing you what you wouldn’t have seen otherwise.
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REBECCA CONRAN CHHC is an Astrologer & Energy Healing Practitioner. Known for her compassionate but practical approach to mysticism, she offers frank readings that come from a place of personal experience.
Visit her remotely or in person in Kingston, NY.
INFO + BOOKINGS: www.RebeccaConran.com
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