The Inside+Out March Energy Report
“Wild Geese” by Mary Oliver
You do not have to be good.
You do not have to walk on your knees for a hundred miles through the desert, repenting.
You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves.
Tell me about your despair, yours, and I will tell you mine.
Meanwhile, the world goes on.
Meanwhile, the Sun and the clear pebbles of the rain are moving across the landscapes,
Over the prairies and the deep trees, the mountains and the rivers.
Meanwhile, the wild geese, high in the clean blue air, are heading home again.
Whoever you are, no matter how lonely, the world offers itself to your imagination, calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting — over and over announcing your place in the family of things.
Welcome to the March Energy Report. The last few weeks may have felt frustrating; we have been stuck on a fixed sign axis and everything has been connected to transforming, breaking down and breaking through. While providing steady force, fixed signs can be unmovable, stubborn and difficult. This month, many personal planets are now entering the flexible energy of Pisces. With heavy-hitting heavenly bodies Neptune + Saturn also in Pisces, we get personal lessons in self-discipline and karma. We can bet the upcoming month is full of spiritual growth and an influx of compassion and love as these two expand, healing our past with faith, optimism and softening our ego.
SAT 3/9: Mercury Enters Aries
New beginnings of the mind. The shift into Aries brings direct, assertive, forceful and confident thoughts and expressions. Anger can be a strong boundary maker and we may feel more attuned to it now. You can make your case without losing your compassion; however, if something needs to be said – this is the energy to push us to do so. Our thoughts are energy, and they create our realities. Mercury in Aries can purify, burning away lower thought forms, helping us to push through fear and giving us mental power to tackle unhealthy thoughts.
Have patience with any knee-jerk reactions during this transit. Feeling edgy, being pushy or having no filter can be the shadow side of this transit. Being direct, funny and candid are positive expressions. We may have to fight harder to pay attention to the details of this placement. Still, we have some real initiation energy to get out of any ruts we may be in!
SUN 3/10: Pisces New Moon
Can I see the divine perfection in myself so that I can also see it in my fellow man? Pisces rules the subconscious and unconscious. We need to take responsibility for what is hiding in the recesses of our souls. This New Moon is about finding the balance between being in the world and it, wearing our material life as a “loose cloak about our shoulders,” as it were. We must find a way to temper our extremes rather than see things in black and white, right and wrong, good and bad. We must find a way to infuse all perspectives with more love and compassion. This transit highlights altruistic love, romance with life, social freedom, adaptability and imagination. It will also bring out the shadow side, addiction, escapism, pessimism, indecisiveness, self-pity, obsessions and compulsions.
New Moons begin a new emotional cycle – this one sets us up to close the energetic cycle that began last year at this time. How far have you come in 12 months? If you are like me, much has changed and you are quite a different person than you were then. Honor your personal wins and successes. This is a great time to heal through creativity. Your dreams may be a vivid place of intuitive information, and insight may come through accessing your sensory feelings, meditation and spiritual practice. The veil is thin under this energy and taking very good care of ourselves and being present to what we give permission to consciously and unconsciously on this day will be very important to our health and wellness.
MON 3/11: Venus Enters Pisces
When Venus is in Pisces, we value connection; we yearn to merge into oneness with the universe. We wish we were back in the comfort of the womb. Venus is exalted here and things get much softer and sweeter under this energy. This transit is an opportunity to show love physically, through art and creativity, through our words and through our service. This is a time to be receptive to all avenues of love that want to reach us. Say yes to being sweet, compassionate, loving and soft. However, with Saturn + Neptune in the mix, expect to also have to show self-discipline regarding boundaries and co-dependency and expect teaching relationships to show up so we can heal some of the bad habits that we inherited when it comes to self-worth and relationships. Questions to ponder during this transit…
- Do you have an idealized version of what you think love is?
- Do you idealize others and then become unhappy when they can only prove to you that they are imperfect?
- Do you dream of a fairy tale ending and ignore the very real day-to-day work of connecting with others?
SAT 3/16 – MON 3/18: Sun Conjunct Neptune
The Sun, our collective identity and vitality, in Pisces, the sign of unconditional love and compassion, meets with Neptune, the great ego dissolver in Pisces. This is a powerful few days. Neptune wants us to break free of the illusion of separation by fully realizing our ego as the culprit and using our free will to choose love. Love of self, love of others. Where do our personality and past experiences block the free flow of love? The shadow side of this transit is true of any Piscean energy – illusion, fantasy, escape. Are we seeing things as they really are or how we wish them to be? We must be willing to see ourselves and our world with open eyes, be curious and loving and be willing to adapt. We must be willing to love unconditionally. Although reality can be a harsh pill to swallow, ultimately, knowing the truth of our experiences is liberating and freeing and gives us a basis for growth.
TUES 3/19: Sun enters Aries
Spring is here. In the days leading up to this shift, it’s possible that we feel more overwhelmed and sensitive than usual, boundaries may be more blurred and we may be more prone to substance abuse. We are looking for soothing – compassion, sweetness and love – but we should look for these qualities in places that nourish rather than instant gratification.
The Sun in Aries transit carries huge potential for rebirth and action. Aries is a born leader. It’s the element of fire, which both sparks and ignites life. You’ll feel a deep shift wherever you have Aries in your chart. This radiant and self-confident energy is just what we need as our little seeds of creation finally break through the heavy soil of life. We may feel the push to be more forceful as an individual at this time.
Aries is the warrior fuel of the zodiac, its spirit in motion. It brings us the push to conquer, be direct and be brave. Aries season is the time to initiate action but go for endurance in the long run. Aries can sometimes burn so much energy at the outset of creating and birthing that it doesn’t have the willpower to complete things, so remember to practice patience and understand that divine timing plays a part in all of our experiences.
FRI 3/22: Mars enters Pisces
Act with love. In astrology, Mars represents how we take action, our motivation, passion and drive. Mars in Pisces doesn’t give us that get-up-and-go physically, but it does help us become more attuned to acting from a caring place. Pisces is more passive than direct, but it may serve us by softening the current Aries placements we are experiencing.
Boundaries are hugely important right now, as is compassion overload awareness. It is important for us to know what is going on in the world and for us to engage in empathy, too, but for our own health reasons, we must also tap into the beauty that exists and not just the pain and suffering. Be present to your emotions now; let them be the tool that opens your heart even wider.
THURS 3/21 – FRI 3/22: Sun Conjunct Saturn
We may be asking ourselves:
- What the heck is wrong with this world?
- What is it that makes some humans believe others should not have a high quality of life?
- What is it that keeps them from caring or feeling a duty to one another?
- Worse yet, how can some be complicit in the violence, oppression and suffering of others?
It’s tragic to comprehend and the answers may be varied. Yet, at the root will be a separation from self, the collective consciousness, feeling that there is benevolence and/or a multitude of blessings available for all of us without needing to hoard and inflict pain on others to survive.
Some of us have evolved, some have not. Those who are actively evolving understand that we no longer need to act like animals to survive; our intellect and empathy will carry us through. The best thing any of us can do is to find any places inside ourselves that we are responsible for evolving and help ourselves to shift out of fear consciousness into connection and love. Have the self-discipline to make inner changes so you can be the outer change the world needs to see manifested, too.
SUN 3/24: Libra Full Moon Eclipse
This Full Moon is about ridding ourselves of the superficial. You do not have to be perfect. You are not here to please others or manage their feelings and experiences. You do not have to be issueless. You do not have to have everything figured out. Forgive yourself for not knowing what you think you should know. Life is learning, and you are doing that in leaps and bounds.
If we’ve been totally alone for a while now, we may feel uncomfortable or longing for companionship during this Full Moon. If we have been in relationships (work partnerships, romantic or otherwise) that are imbalanced, we will work to rectify that as emotions reach an apex. We may feel emotionally indecisive, but avoid letting life or past wounds choose for you. Pay close attention to what is coming up mentally and emotionally as intuitive messages come through powerfully on this day. Expect epiphanies. Don’t try to repress the way you feel. Allow yourself to feel with all of your senses, not your mind.
Each energy season touches us in a unique area of our lives. We each have every zodiac sign somewhere in our personal astrology. This report looks at the collective themes that will mark this period. If you are interested in learning more about your own astrology, a Soul Astrology one-on-one session or a personal Astrology Forecast may be for you.
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Rebecca is a Life Coach, Astrologer + Energy Healing Practitioner known for her compassionate but practical approach to mysticism.
For more information & remote bookings: www.RebeccaConran.com
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