The Inside+Out May Energy Report
MAY ENERGY REPORT: “Peace and Understanding “
By mid-month, we will have five planets all in Taurus – this signals a time to slow down and apply practical, steady patience to all our endeavors. There is a huge need to stop and smell the proverbial roses over the next few weeks. For some, the Taurus season can trigger a time of overindulgence and escapism through instant gratifications. For those more inclined to conscious choice, this is a time to truly absorb the peace of nature through our dedication to the simple and appreciation of the sensory modes of life – sight, smell, touch, taste and hearing.
We start the month off with what feels like an earthquake. Pluto is the great transformer; in Aquarius, we work towards liberating ourselves from our social and collective conditioning or “group think” into a more holistic pictured variance. It is not our place to decide what is best for our fellow man; each of us must choose for ourselves what is right for us and at what time. Retrogrades, which happen regularly each year, are opportunities to review and explore inwardly. Issues of control and manipulation, the absence of freedom and the discomfort of transformation are afoot. Who’s in charge here? Are you embracing autonomy? Are your relationships interdependent or are there issues around possession? Do you feel that you genuinely live and speak for yourself? All themes we will feel starkly around this date and subtly throughout the next six months. Embrace becoming a more authentic version of yourself through surrender of the past.
Pursue peace. Calm down. Relax. We all need to spend more time in conscious rest. Conscious rest doesn’t mean disappearing into alcohol (substances) or TV (distraction); it means sinking into the body and relaxing with purpose. How long has it been since you sat down and just listened and felt? Nothing to do, nothing to analyze, just sensory feeling. We live in a system that profits from our unrest. Conscious relaxation is an act of radical rebellion and is beneficial to our deepest nature. Keep it simple, keep it grounded and be slow.
The Sun, our collective identity, is going through a surprising shift. It’s happening naturally; we don’t need to push or prod to make this happen, but we feel the burning urge to manifest our inner desires, to eschew the easy and the lazy and to harness our own mastery over our experience. The shadow side of this transit is the manifestation of greediness, the positive expression, the true luxury of the heart’s abundance.
The collective mind is coming into a very different pace from the act first, think later energy of Aries. As we make this adjustment, anger, arguments and fighting may reach a crux. Entry into Taurus tempers these extremes at first with a slower, simpler attitude. We need to expose ourselves to the natural world to get a full perspective on life. This placement favors releasing the need to over-analyze and go for a practical, simpler approach. Sometimes, the first thought is the best thought. Although we don’t want to shut out other people or perspectives out of fear – sometimes silence is communication in and of itself. Trust your first impressions, and follow the gut sensations in decision-making more than ever. Practically, now is a great time to learn about any studies from the natural or sensory world (herbalism, gardening, massage, etc).
When planets are “conjunct,” they are both positioned to the same degree. Conjunctions allow two separate points in the solar system to unite and blend their energies together. I like to think of this as the two becoming one new superplanet where both inform and amplify each other. Venus symbolizes how we give and receive love, which is connected to our self-worth because that truly guides our beliefs in how we interact outwardly. Uranus revolutionizes; it discards what is unnecessary in the name of progress. It’s future-oriented. The most important thing to garner from this degree is not to quit. Don’t give up. Keep the fire burning. Don’t be so focused on attaining the future that you don’t realize what is happening now is the realignment towards better outcomes. In society, our values need to be re-oriented, away from the “what can I get” of the Western world, into the “how may I serve” of our natural and intuitive duties. It’s okay to feel disappointed when things are not as you desire them to be, but do not use those feelings as an excuse to keep on keeping on. You can keep moving towards your goals, I promise you.
After so much fire and slogging at times through earth energy, it may feel totally foreign to enter into this curious, spontaneous and social air sign. Gemini Season is a time to enjoy the process of discovery through questioning and discourse. We are pursuing information under this identity and finding our voice in the process. As much as some of us will love to hear our own voices once the throat chakra is opened, this transit also reminds us to become active listeners. Are you constantly thinking about what you’ll say next in a conversation, or do you allow the ideas and perspectives of others to touch you more deeply? Now is the time to stretch the boundaries of understanding. The shadow side of this season is attention deficit and restlessness. We must be intentional in grounding and cultivating a practice of focus.
Jupiter is at the end of its year-long expansion through Taurus. We are at an anorectic degree, which is very ‘full moon’ vibes. It’s a culmination and heavy with release. Before Venus enters easy, breezy, beautiful Gemini, we have one last hurdle on this day around our integrity. When we live with integrity, we live by our values. If we live in accordance with other people’s values and base our worth on their beliefs, we live outside of our own integrity. This very personal moment asks us to walk our talk spiritually and live our truth as only we can for ourselves – it is highly personal. The most important resource for all of us is our spiritual resources. That may mean and manifest differently for all humans, but as long as there is a connection and reverence, then we will continue to expand creatively and lovingly as humans. This moment demands our integrity.
When Venus enters Gemini, we need communication to feel worthy, too, and we certainly need it in our romantic experiences. Without communication, there is no collaboration or expression of ideas. At this time, we are drawn to those who can expand our minds and encourage healthy debate and curious discourse. If you struggle with communication, this is a perfect time to work on it. Communication is the foundation of any relationship and is a core pillar of intimacy. Now is the time to speak and be heard.
Jupiter in Gemini is here to stay for a year, but this initial push of the transit will be powerfully felt. Jupiter is here to expand on the themes discussed in this report around Gemini. This is a year dedicated to being a student of life, no matter what age you are or how much experience you have. Be curious to learn something new about yourself. Dedicate yourself to cultivating better communication. Communication can create an incredible union between souls, and more than ever, our world needs to cultivate this union with our fellow man – and with the universe itself. I love Astrology because it’s a conversation with the universe. The current astrology asks questions and we get to create answers of our own free will. It’s a fascinating communion. However, you personally experience that spiritual conversation needs your attention over this next year.
Do you act in accordance with the soothing your inner child needs? Do your habits in life reflect that of someone who loves and has compassion for themselves? This is the time to take stock of how we use our energy in motion. Chiron is the wound where the light gets in, and we can easily use our energy to cultivate that light – if we so choose, and choice is the name of the game. Remember to choose how you act; choose your habits. Choose in alignment with being a loving parent to yourself.
What a big month! It doesn’t slow down, not even on the last day! Mercury is now joining that same degree of Uranus that both the Sun + Venus conjuncted earlier this month. It may feel like an aha moment as situations that manifested earlier get cleared up through our perspective now. The mind needs to stay agile to be at its best. Don’t confuse stubbornness with certainty. The only thing we can be certain about in life is that things will undoubtedly change, so start by allowing your thoughts and ideas to be imbued with newness.
Each energy season touches us in a unique area of our lives. We each have every zodiac sign somewhere in our personal astrology. This report looks at the collective themes that will mark this period. If you are interested in learning more about your own astrology, a Soul Astrology one-on-one session or a personal Astrology Forecast may be for you.
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Rebecca is a Life Coach, Astrologer + Energy Healing Practitioner known for her compassionate but practical approach to mysticism.
For more information & remote bookings: www.RebeccaConran.com
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