The Inside+Out Sagittarius Energy Report
Welcome to your monthly collective astrological guide by Rebecca Conran. This month, we feature your Sagittarius Energy Report. You can book one-on-one sessions with Rebecca for more personalized services.
Many folks have been feeling the blunt force of Pluto at the end of its journey in Capricorn. Pluto is the great transformer, and the season is heavy as Pluto rules Scorpio. With the incoming 21-year transit of Pluto in Aquarius on Jan 20th, 2024, we have lessons to learn, yet around the end of structures of authority as we have known them and the beginning of a more humanitarian-focused world. Things must change, things will change, but that won’t stop humans from trying to exert whatever control they can to prevent meaningful change. Why? Because change is hard, it hurts; it rocks the boat.
As a human race, we are grasping at our survival, and it is truly dependent on us working together in unity globally. To do so, we need to see the bigger picture. You and I are not so different and not so different from our human counterparts across the globe. More connects us than doesn’t. Aligning our desires for ourselves along with our worldwide human family will bring each of us more dignity, equality and peace.
Like many, I grew up being taught that my family’s ideology was “the truth.” We were the chosen people and would be rewarded as “righteous,” while others who didn’t share our belief system would suffer God’s wrath in the end. At thirteen, I began to question this reality I was born into. I can remember thinking, “Don’t all religions believe they are the true religion?” At one point, I was an ardent believer, but as I got older (even though I was still a child), I began to see the hypocrisy and started to abhor the “supremacy ideation” of believing that one’s religious, ethnic or cultural experience made them more worthy than anyone else.
When I was sixteen, I experienced being shamed and shunned by my orthodox Christian family and community. I was severed from my life as I knew it, and out of necessity, I became a child of the world. This traumatic, eye-opening experience also offered me a gift. It allowed me to leave behind the traditions of my roots, ethnicity, religious upbringing and culture to become one with my human family. By embracing a multitude of traditions, roots, ethnicities, spiritual paths and cultures, I became a more open and, more importantly, compassionate person. It absolutely helped me that my moon and four other natal planets were all in Sagittarius, and this season is here to enable us to have a similar courage towards a higher truth, too.
Ruled by Jupiter, Sagittarius is a natural optimist and spiritualist. The upcoming season’s theme is expanding our horizons, seeing the big picture, searching for spiritual truth and higher meaning and (hopefully) infusing some joy too. Sagittarius needs adventure, to be immersed in other places and cultures to absorb new information. There is a natural affinity with freedom here, and we need to explore our options when our collective identity is in this fiery sign.
The Sun symbolizes how we are collectively identifying. Sagittarius helps us to open our minds to a more philosophical and spiritual outlook, but it can also show as emboldened self-righteous zealots. During this season, we are capable of taking huge mental leaps; let’s hope we are not jumping to conclusions, however – remember to stay grounded in facts, details and reality. Be wary of needing to be right, always remembering that all opinions and biases, including our own, are subjective to our experience.
We can use this season to educate ourselves to put ourselves in another’s shoes, either through reading and mental adventure or physically by placing ourselves in experiences we haven’t tried before. Travel is highlighted now. Embrace life and be willing to learn. Hope and faith are attributed to this buoyant sign. Optimism that the glass is half full and that we can overcome difficulty is a needed salve to the past few months.
Sagittarius season is the element of fire, and this Mars transit will give us that “get up and go” pep in our step, an energy that was lacking in Scorpio Season, which had more of a “brace yourself’ tone to it. This is the season to say YES to expanding your horizons, but be wary of expanding your waistline with too much overindulgence, as the Jupiter influence for Sagittarius means it’s harder for us to know our pleasure limits. Be more spontaneous and have more fun. Sometimes, we need to be more detached from our sentimentality. Enjoy the boost of faith in yourself. Be a warrior for a higher truth. Express your passion but never give up an openness and willingness to understand, and never give up on being kind.
If Sagittarius is the big picture, Gemini is the details. Full moons bring emotions to a head; they are times of release and shedding, and the degree of this moon is quite high-strung. There is so much space between what has come before and how to get where we need to go that we can feel overwhelmed by the enormity of it all. We can feel hopeful at our big-picture dreams and then simultaneously doubtful as the facts of the present seem to chain us to a much different reality. We are yearning for freedom for ourselves and others. Honor this yearning. We may not be living in the world we truly want to see, but dreaming it up is half the battle. Every inventor had an impossible dream in front of them; eventually, through connecting reality with those big ideals, the magic came to fruition. Be gentle with yourself and try to find peace through simplicity today.
We will spend eleven days with this placement before retrograding, beginning Dec 12th, for another week and then re-entering Mercury in Sagittarius. Pay attention to the mental messages and communications happening now because we will have to re-visit our ideas. Mercury in Capricorn excels at determination, self-discipline, self-authority and persistence. It climbs mountains mentally. This placement is excellent when you need the energy to write that book you always talked about. Whatever projects you need mental stamina for, now is the perfect time to get back to them. However, this placement has a hard time switching gears when it has a goal in mind, and inflexibility could rear up. Prioritize what’s important to you, but try not to be too rigid.
Scorpio isn’t done with us yet, and it brings passion and commitment to the areas of love, romance and self-esteem. It’s time to go really deep in your relationships. Let your relationships transform and heal you in real-time. Let go of secrecy and trust in your value and worth.
This transit is wonderful for going deeper emotionally in our relationships, creating true intimacy through vulnerability. We will feel pushed to do this while also being even more afraid to reveal ourselves. There are secrets that we all keep, things that we think are not lovable about us, that we feel afraid to reveal to others, so we hide under false facades, or we hide under instant gratification and pleasure-seeking. We must reveal these secrets to ourselves first and foremost and be willing to be truly intimate and vulnerable with ourselves so that we can re-parent properly as well as release the false modes of comfort we have become attached to.
Scorpio can highlight obsessions and addictions of all kinds. Ones that hinder our opportunities for intimacy and love. As we travel through Scorpio, bring these dysfunctional behaviors to light and shine deep compassion upon them. This is a great time to commit to therapy or look deeper at psychological issues. Also, I find that Scorpio does bring good money energy into the mix. Commit to your healing, and you’ll create more opportunities for financial success in your life, too.
Neptune is known as “the dissolver of ego.” Neptune, also the ruler of Pisces, is related to what’s going on behind the scenes, in our subconscious/unconscious. It’s where we suppress things, where we might be or feel imprisoned. Neptune also connects us to oneness, to the unity of the infinite. Neptune transits have us yearning to feel the infinite. In order to feel that connection to all, we have to be willing to release the attachments and walls we have erected that stop that unity from accessing us.
During the retrograde period, our collective has been doing a deep dive into uncovering and revealing the nightmares that block us from our dreams. When planets that are far away from Earth retrograde, we might not feel the energy abruptly during the entire phase, but it can be especially poignant as the transit takes effect. Expect your dreams and the healing work you are doing while sleeping to become more active. If you have hidden demons, then you might struggle with sleep this week. You could just as easily also use this energy to connect more deeply with the love and oneness of the collective consciousness – we have to decide for ourselves how we will work with the material and it might be a mix of both.
This is a portal of time to seek to align all parts of ourselves with the spirit/universe internally. Your intuition may be very strong, and insights are quick and deep; however, transits of Neptune can also make us susceptible to burnout and overwhelm. You may have exciting new information about yourself and the world, but you also need to take the time to process the feelings that are coming up and find rest and recuperation.
As the retrograde period comes to an end, we see where we may be living in fantasy, illusion, and deceit. We can also see where we might have lost sight of our imagination and creative powers as well as working towards OUR dreams. My dream is unconditional love and compassion as it begets happiness. Sometimes, when life is hard or I don’t see it outwardly, I can lose sight of that goal or dream, but I must return to it over and over again. Neptune Direct will bring our dreams back into reality, and what we are working for in this life will become clearer to us again.
Review how you merge with the natural order of things, open up to your intuitive guidance, and the inner mystic that every human possesses. Spirituality is not religion, but it can be a facet of religion. Religion is made of man’s limited experience and opinion. On the other hand, spirituality is sometimes totally unexplainable and unique to each person. Your spirituality is how YOU interpret the energy of life that courses through all things and, hopefully, how you revere it and respect it, along with working with it in ways that create beauty and love in this world. If you get lost in the fog, try cleaning up some of your behaviors. Drink less alcohol, consume less sugar, and drink less coffee. A clear system can do wonders for a clear mind.
As a natal Moon in Sagittarius, I can tell you that this placement has brought optimism to even the darkest emotions for me personally. This point of emotional focus asks us to call upon an ancient wisdom deep in our being. We are asked to drum up our connection to our divine feminine – feeling, being, creating, destructing – because we are setting the tone for leadership in our lives – into a new era of freedom. Ideas and thoughts that have blocked the flow of love are capable of being burned away by the fire of this moon.
When you seek attention from a lover, from your phone, from alcohol, from whatever distracts you, you are really asking for comfort – begging for it at times. Begging to be seen, paid attention to, and ultimately to be nurtured with a deep compassion. Only you can provide yourself with comfort. There is no other appropriate person or placeholder; you will never feel truly free until you are free of the attachment of outside stimuli and deep in the comfort of your own consciousness. It’s here for you now. Open your heart to yourself, open your arms, and come home to the entirety of the universe within you.
The degree that Mercury in Capricorn retrogrades on this same day is powerful indeed. It speaks to light being a force to reckon with. Capricorn, in its highest expression, is here to build the spiritual into reality. Man has instead built his ego into reality, but man is not the most powerful force in our universe.
- What intentions do we want to set for the world we want to live in?
- What small steps do we need to take to align with those intentions moving forward?
Great journeys are filled with many small steps.
Each energy season touches us in a unique area of our lives. We all have the energy of Sagittarius somewhere in our personal astrology. This Energy Report looks at the collective themes that will mark this period. If you are interested in learning more about your personal astrology, a Soul Astrology one-on-one session or a personal Astrology Forecast may be for you. If you are familiar with your astrology already, look at your birth chart to tell you which planets and houses will be ignited by the upcoming Season.
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REBECCA CONRAN CHHC is an Astrologer + Energy Healing Practitioner. Known for her compassionate but practical approach to mysticism, she offers frank readings that come from a place of personal experience.
Visit her remotely or in person in Kingston, NY.
INFO + BOOKINGS: www.RebeccaConran.com
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