The Inside+Out Scorpio Energy Report
Welcome to your monthly collective astrological guide by Rebecca Conran. This month, we feature your Scorpio Energy Report. You can book one-on-one sessions with Rebecca for more personalized services.
I don’t have to tell you that the last few weeks have packed a gut punch. All around the world, we see systems of supremacy working to annihilate others. There is no ethnicity, culture or religion that is free from the responsibility of dismantling supremacy ideations in our world. Libra Season and its connection with the South Node in Libra, along with the final degree of Pluto in Capricorn, meant we were highly attuned as a collective to where diplomacy and fairness have not been integrated and where love of neighbor and fellow man is absent.
We’ve gotten a bird’s eye view of what needs releasing from our collective karma. The way forward for humanity is equality and dignity for ALL humans. As we integrate this evolutionary truth, tension bursts forth and can transform into violence. Scorpio season is here to show us our own perpetuation of violence and help us to open up to compassion for the collective suffering in an effort to make unconditional love our only master.
Scorpio and its ruler, Pluto, are often connected symbolically to sex and death, but Scorpio also rules the bowels! Why that little factoid? Because during this season, there is no greater time to physically, emotionally, and mentally “let that s#&t go” in favor of the new spiritual horizons that will come with the upcoming Sagittarius season. This is the perfect month for a cleanse or detox of any kind, it’s a time for radical honesty and courage in surrendering addictive behaviors and fears that are holding us back. We may be seeking stability through this moment, but it’s important to honor flexibility – a quality that doesn’t come easy to Scorpio. Let the mystery of life unfold.
Scorpio rules our unconscious energy. All humans have secrets that we hold about ourselves that threaten our self-esteem (or ego). Most of the painful behaviors we see manifest in the world today have their roots in feeling unlovable and unworthy. We repress and hide aspects of ourselves, our experiences and our personalities because they are too painful to deal with or because we don’t want to be judged or undervalued for them. This material unconsciously drives our beliefs and behaviors; however, it becomes the brush we paint life with. Repression is the bedrock of both violence and self-abuse. Unfortunately, nothing stays hidden for long, all secrets eventually become revealed, and this moment is an opportunity to dive headlong into our healing.
Imagine Scorpio as the deepest part of the ocean; it’s pitch black down there and home to some of the ugliest creatures known to man. Those creatures are ancient and masters of survival. Scorpio Season’s job is to bring our hidden aspects, the things we deem too ugly to be lovable, to light. Why? So we can stop projecting that unconscious material into our lives, making everything ugly and live more authentically through deepening our compassion and personal vibration of love.
The energy of Scorpio was pervasive through Libra season with both Mars & Mercury transits along with the heavy-hitting Pluto station we saw on October 10th. The Sun gives life, and with the Sun in Scorpio, it’s vital to life that we uncover our secrets with love. No matter how threatening the unconscious feels, radical honesty is required now. Celebrate the complexity. Scorpio may represent our deepest vulnerabilities, but it is the only sign with the courage to uncover them.
Full Moons are points of emotional release. Eclipses bring added star power, bringing about dynamic change. The degree of this particular full moon points to building bridges. We may feel isolated and have a deep sense of separation right now. The issues at hand may seem insurmountable, and the challenge is to avoid entering into instant gratification or quick fixes to abate discomfort. Instead, with patience, pursuing peace through healthy and natural pleasures. Hug someone, cook a nourishing meal, and/or walk in the trees. Don’t allow yourself to be victimized by feelings of separation; use these yearnings as reminders to stay on course and meet with your community in more loving ways.
We desperately need our spiritual connections. Being spiritual doesn’t mean being religious. It means accepting the vastness, the mystery, and the creative capabilities of the creative universe around us. Life finds a way in its infinite magic. It always finds a way. This is a moment to turn to our spirituality to overcome the doubt and melodrama of human life. Feel your feelings, allow for catharsis, but don’t accept all of them as facts about reality, and certainly don’t act on every inflamed feeling. Allow a new you to rise from the ashes of your painful experiences, rise above feelings of revenge and vindication, take back your power, and stand in it. Have the courage to forgive and move forward in love.
The Sun in opposition to Jupiter in Taurus the day before this transit makes for some tenuous days of dealing with our inner process and spiritual expansion. If you need to talk to someone or get support, now is the time. Saturn ends its retrograde and begins its forward motion. Our spiritual practice takes precedence. Our self-care rituals need to be the basis for our experience, not just as a last resort we call on when we don’t feel good. Take ownership of the balance and rituals you need to maintain mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health.
Venus in Virgo had us working hard on the practical side of love. Venus in Libra returns us to the ooey-gooey lovey-dovey stuff. On the aesthetic end, this is a great time to get a new haircut or invest in improvements. Expressions of art and beauty are favored now. Share that poem or song you wrote about the person you care for. Diplomacy rules under this energy, so look for win/win solutions. Be kind and generous with your love.
Sagittarius lightens the mood, something we can use in our communication and minds right now! We want to expand our horizons with this placement; we want to travel to experience other cultures. We want to learn and deepen our philosophical understanding. However, Sagittarius can also over-inflate our sense of truth, and religious zealotry is expressed at its worst during this time. We all feel like we know the truth. Each person with religious leanings feels they have the truth, the cure if you will, but it is imperative to realize the subjective nature of our personal truths. You have a truth, I have a truth, and yet there is also a higher truth that integrates them all. Utilize the ability to take big leaps mentally, but watch for always trying to be right. Sometimes, even if you are right, choosing kindness is still the better option. Look for the convergence of subjective truths into connection rather than separation.
With the addition of the Sun in opposition with Uranus today, change is not coming easily. New Moons begin a new emotional chapter. Under these themes, we must remember that intimacy with our fellow man is imperative to the survival of humanity. We must learn to see the similarities in our experiences, turn away from supremacy of all kinds and, through a deeper understanding of our own inner workings, develop greater compassion and forgiveness for others. We all are hurting and have been hurt in some way. We are all trying to survive; we all need love and connection. Compassion is what will beget the happiness we desire.
This season is not an easy one in an already tense and energetically difficult year. Whatever has power over us that is not our own personal power must be returned – return to sender. Behaviors, relationships, substances, what feeds on you unconsciously and isn’t aligned with living in a healthy and honest way for you? Letting go is a sacrifice. Remember, in this year of planning and patience, the seeds you sow now become the harvest you reap next. Let go of all that doesn’t serve you with love, and you will grow to be bountiful in your blessings ahead.
Each energy season touches us in a unique area of our lives. We all have the energy of Scorpio somewhere in our personal astrology. This Energy Report looks at the collective themes that will mark this period. If you are interested in learning more about your personal astrology, a Soul Astrology one-on-one session or a personal Astrology Forecast may be for you. If you are familiar with your astrology already, look at your birth chart to tell you which planets and houses will be ignited by the upcoming Season
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REBECCA CONRAN CHHC is an Astrologer & Energy Healing Practitioner. Known for her compassionate but practical approach to mysticism, she offers frank readings that come from a place of personal experience.
Visit her remotely or in person in Kingston, NY.
INFO + BOOKINGS: www.RebeccaConran.com
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